The boggart

439 11 15

Your character 😌✌️
You are y/n
Your dad is a wizard and your mums a muggle
It's 6th year
Friends with the golden trio
- Enjoyyyy x


The students of Hogwarts woke to the usual cold crisp morning. Hermione gathered her books, put her Gryffindor robe on and fixed her tie, "Y/n hurry up we have to go find the boys."

"Cominggg" you grab your books then head out to the common room with Hermione.

You guys waited for Ron and Harry. "Ronald, Harry hurry up we are going to be late" Hermione screamed up to the boys rooms.

"We are coming chill your self" Ron shouted back.

"Hey Y/n" Harry and Ron said cheerfully.

"Hello boys" you reply back.

You guys headed to the first class which was with Remus Lupin one of your favourite teachers, "come class quick sit down, today we are looking at the Boggart, a creature that transforms with each
persons greatest fear".

The class readjusted in their seats, heavy breathing filled the room.

"dar-kest fears" Ron tremble.

"yes Weasley indeed. Your darkest fears, how about you go first" professor Remus answered back.

"Now Ron all you have to say is Riddikulus, remember to have a clear voice."

"Riddikulus, easy I got this" Ron whispered to himself.

With a mighty but shaky voice Ron casted the spell "Riddikulus!" The Aragog appeared in the class a high pitch scream escaped Ron's mouth.

"Riddikulus!" He chanted again and the spider had been given roller skates, A smile escaped his mouth.

"Y/n how about you try now."

"Me-e" everyone's eyes glanced over to me.

"awww a so called brave Gryffindor to scared" Draco Malfoy whispered to you.

"Oh just bugger off Malfoy."

You make your way to the front of the class. The giant that had attacked you and Hermione first year appeared in the room. you in a loud voice chant "Riddikulus" and the giant had turned into something that was now no smaller that a finger.
The whole class, including Malfoy started to giggle.

"Malfoy actually having a laugh, that's not seen everyday" you say excitedly.

"Y/n oh shut up"

"Make me" you reply back mischievously.

A smirk appeared on Dracos Pale face and a small giggle escaped his mouth, you make intense eye contact, almost like the hatred you had for each other disappeared in that moment and a smile escaped your lips.

Then slowly you head back to standing with Hermione, Harry and Ron.

"What was that?" Hermione exclaimed.

"What was what" you reply confused.

"You and Malfoy?"

"Oh that, nothing, it was nothing... just him being a smart ass that's all."

They all stare at each other and then all stared back at me with a playful but disappointed face.

"Whattt it was nothing!" you say with a annoyed tone.

"Y/n, okay okay" Harry murmured.

"Just stop talking about it."

You look over to Draco he seemed happy for once. You stood there just admiring his smile and just him. Until someone dropped their text book sending a loud bang. Your attention was drawn and you retuned to looking down to your dust covered black shoes, just lost in the thought 'was that really nothing?' and 'why do I feel like this... about Malfoy?"

That night Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ