"Jungkook?" Seokjin looked so shocked. "What are you doing at my bar?" He asked. "I just need some time alone. You can leave now if you want to. Please don't bother," I shoved him away but he kept still in front of me. "What's wrong?" His voice suddenly became warm and gentle. A thin smile formed my lips, "Ari and I are getting a divorce."

A soft mocking laugh came out of his mouth, while I gave him a confused look. "What's funny about that?"

"I just remembered what Hoseok said on your wedding day," he spoke with his hand caressing his chin. "What did he say?" I asked as I tried to recall the things that happened that day.

"But don't you think, it's just temporary?" He reenacted. "You know, you're just pissing me off," I tried to push him away but I felt so weak.

He cleared his throat before saying, "Y/N just came back from Japan. Do you want to go and see her? They are already at Namjoon's house."

I lowered my head and let out a dry laugh. "I don't think she'll be happy to see me. We've met in Japan." I saw how Jin's eyes widened after hearing me say that. "And I think, I'm just gonna spoil the night with my presence."

"Alright? But if ever you change your mind, remember – Namjoon's house." He said before walking away.


I was admiring the view in front of me from the veranda of Namjoon's house. These boys have accomplished a lot. Namjoon manages a University; Seokjin, owns a bar; Yoongi owns a security agency; Hoseok is an IT guru; Jimin owns several tea shops in the country; while Taehyung is managing an architecture company.

I turned to their direction and watched how engaged and happy they were in their conversation. They never changed, except for one. Jungkook. Maybe his love for me changed but he should be here mingling and having fun with his friends. I noticed Taehyung whispered something to Jimin and walked towards me. "Are you still thinking about him?" He placed his elbows on the steel bars in front of us. I did the same thing and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I know that look Y/N," I could feel him looking at me. "You miss Jungkook."

"What's there to miss about him?" I turned around and now my back was touching the railings. I looked down and heaved a deep sigh, "It's funny how things could easily change."

"Why don't you let me love you Y/N?" Taehyung asked but I couldn't face him. I know myself that I've always liked Taehyung but not to the point like how much I dedicated my time and life for Jungkook. "You already know the answer to that Taehyung," I said.

"Why don-" He was about to say something but got cut off when we heard a loud banging sound coming from Namjoon's living room. We all rushed and saw Jungkook lying on the ground. He looked so helpless and drunk.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon ran to him and quickly picked him up. "Namjoon," Jungkook spoke and I noticed that his face was dried up with tears. "I'm so bad. It' okay to hate me," it almost sounded gibberish but I was able to hear him clearly. His eyes roamed around the room and our eyes met. Be strong Y/N. Be strong. Just like how you acted when you met him in Japan.

Jungkook's POV

There she was again, standing in front of me. Everything about her looked so perfect. How did I ever let you go?

"Jungkook, let me help you," Namjoon spoke as he put my arm around his shoulder. "Where have you been?" He asked. "Seokjin's bar," I smiled at Seokjin who looked nervous. "You saw him but you didn't stop him?" Namjoon gritted his teeth as he spoke, eyeing Seokjin.

"Okay, calm down. Let's just take Jungkook to the guest room," Hoseok interfered. "Wait," I spoke. Then continued, "I came here to party."

"There's no party Jungkook," Yoongi said in his low voice. "Aren't we celebrating now that Y/N is back?" My eyes met hers. A tear slipped my eye remembering the past that we shared together. I guess letting Y/N go was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.


I can't help but worry about Jungkook's state. I was waiting outside of the guest room when Namjoon and Hoseok got out. "How is he?"

"He's just too drunk Y/N," Namjoon smiled while Hoseok giggled. I just shrugged it off and was about to walk away when Hoseok spoke, "You're not good in hiding things Y/N."

"What do you mean?" I turned around to face them. "You worry about Jungkook," Namjoon spoke as he let out mischievous smile. "Oh my god! I've moved on," I exclaimed and turned my back on them. Surprisingly, Seokjin was there. "Jungkook and Ari are getting a divorce," the man in front of me said like it was nothing.

"Maybe that's why he's drunk," I simply said and walked away. But before I walked past Seokjin he mentioned something that made me stop, "Now, it's your time to decide Y/N."

I looked at him suspiciously. Seriously, what is going on their minds?

Taehyung's POV

"You know that I can always take a cab Taehyung," she spoke while staring at the road in front of us. "I want to see you get home safe Y/N," I said. "So..." I continued, "About what we were talking about earlier."

"What about that?" She asked as I felt her looking at me. "Let's date," I tried to keep it simple.

"Taehyung, I appreciate your kindness and all. But I only see you as a friend," her voice was low and soft.

"Wow, I never thought you would be this straightforward. That's a bulls-eye," I tried to keep my cool then continued, "So, is it still Jungkook?"

"Yeah," she sighed. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. She's still in-love with him.

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