5: Period Fluff

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You had just finished a trip to C/n's grandparent's house because they insisted on meeting you. You ate and had so much of a great time that his family invited you back to their house to stay the night and maybe the next morning. 

You get out of the car, holding hands with c/n and make your way to the front door. His parents locked the car and opened the door for all of you. You've been to c/n's house more times than you can remember, after all you have been dating for two years. However, the second you step foot inside the house you admittedly feel dizzy and a little nauseous...and it was totally not the delicious dinner c/n's grandparents whipped up for the special night. 

You ignore the pain and take off your shoes. "What do you guys want to do? We can watch a movie, play board games...?" C/n's mom suggests. She's honestly like a second mother to you and is always super sweet. 

Suddenly, you feel a stabbing pain in your stomach and almost double over, "I-umm..." you start and c/n admittedly wraps his arms around you, helping you stand. "What's wrong baby?" he coos and you shake your head, "Nothing...can we just lay down for a while?" You feel really guilty at the fact that you ruined tonight's plans...but in your defense you didn't expect your stomach to hurt tonight. 

C/n lifts you up and carries you bridal style to the living room couch but his mom protests, "Go upstairs...I'm sure your bed is more comfortable than the couch." C/n nods and races up the stairs to his room. 

"Thank you," you sigh when he gently places you on the bed. "Are you ok y/n? What can I do?" C/n genuinely says with concern. You roll over and curl into a ball when you realize...

"Umm...C/n? What day is it?" He gives you a confused glance and reads the date off his phone. You feel your face heat up and feel a trickle of something between your legs. "Whoa what's wrong? Please tell me y/n! I want to help." He pleads but you get up and run to the bathroom. He chases after you and you go to close the door but he holds it opened. 

"I don't get it? What's wrong?" He almost shouts in confusion. You continue pushing on the door since you don't know what else to do. "Uhhh what are you guys doing?" C/n's mom comes up the stairs. You blush and gesture for her to come in the bathroom with you. Now c/n looks more confused than ever. His mom nods, knowing what's going on and waves c/n away. 

"What the hell? That's my girlfriend not yours!" He sticks his tongue out at his mom and she rolls her eyes and closes the door. "You okay?" She whispers. You shake your head, "I guess I got my period early." "Don't worry love I have some pads and tampons somewhere in here." You sigh of gratefulness as she rummages threw a drawer. 

"Here...one tampon for you my dear," She holds out a box and you take one, "Thank you so much." "No problem...I'll get you a heating pad and some munchies andddd I'll tell c/n to run you a bath." You chuckle at that she leave you to do your business.

When your done you fix your hair in the mirror and then hear a knock on the door. "Heyy babe mom told me what your going through...can I come in?" You open the door and he gives you the biggest hug ever. "It's nothing really...I think I'm fine." He shakes his head and grabs s big fluffy towel from the counter, "I'm gonna run you a bath and make you feel all nice." You giggle, "If you insist." 

He turns the water on in the bath tub and kisses you everywhere as you wait for it to fill up. He locks the door and helps you take your top and pants off. You giggle as he runs his hands down your sides and squeezes your butt. He gently removes your bra and panties next and helps you into the tub. Sighing you thank him again and he leaves the room. 

After some well needed alone time he knocks again before coming in. "Hey...mom helped me set up my room for us...are you done?" "Yes...you don't need to do anything it's perfect the way it is." He smirks, "Trust me you'll like this surprise." You get up and he wraps the cozy towel around your naked body. "I also got you clothes..." he hands you his hoodie and a pair of shorts. "Awwee thank you!" You squeal...this is definitely the best part.

You get dressed and he laces your hands together and leads you to his room. The lights are off and there's bunch of snacks and his laptop under the covers, ready for a movie night. "Awwee you didn't have to..." you start but he kisses your lips. "Shhh you deserve it...and I was a dumbass for not knowing what was going on." You laugh and he leads you into the sheets. 

"Best day ever," You say and snuggle up to his chest. He nods and wraps his arms around your waist, "Ohh mom said this is for you to..." he hands you a heating pad off the ground and you smile, "Awwe." He gives it to you, curious of where your gonna put it. You drape it over your lower stomach and sigh as the heat takes over your body. He smiles seeing you comfortable and starts nibbling a sweet spot on your neck. You moan quietly and can feel him smile on your skin.

Suddenly his door creaks a little and his mom pokes her head in, "Are you two ok?" C/n stops kissing you and nods, "We're good." "Thank you...mom," you hesitate but she smiles, "Of course sweet heart, anything for you." She closes the door and walks away leaving you and c/n making out and watching (your favorite movie). 

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