11: She Sold you a Vape? Fluff

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Summary:  On your way home from school, you and your friends see y/e/n selling  c/n a vape.

You drum your fingers against your desk, anxious to get out of school and pass by c/n on your walk home. The teacher rambles on and huffs when the bell interrupts them. You jump out of your seat and scramble to collect your things. Don't wanna be late to see c/n. 

When you get your shit together, you text your walking buddies (a.k.a your besties) to meet you at the back of the school so you could take the back route home. That's the path c/n takes after all, your heart flutters at the thought. You head to the back and quickly rush over to your friends. 

"Hey y/n!" y/b/f says. You smile to her and start talking about random things that happened during the day. "Let's get a move on...we don't want y/n to miss seeing c/n," your other close friend says. You feel your cheeks redden and they giggle. 

You all start the way to your house and finally get to the crosswalk where you and c/n usually cross paths. You feel your heart beat faster when you notice him but then you realize he's talking to someone. "Hey...isn't that y/e/n?" y/b/f says. "Yeah...what is she doing?" Another friend says. You stay quiet just staring and waiting to see what their gonna do. 

Maybe he's gonna kiss her? Maybe their gonna exchange numbers? You see them getting closer to each other and you sigh. Maybe a hug? You pay attention to their hands and the way they hand shake. Y/e/n starts walking away and so does c/n.

You watch them both but are really confused. "Oh my god. She just sold him a vape," y/b/f exclaims. You feel your heart sink. Well, you've never vaped before but you knew it wasn't something you stood for. 

You feel your legs start running towards c/n and with out thinking you yell out him name, "C/n! Wait!" He turns to look at you and shyly looks away and starts running. "No wait!" you yell, determined. After a while he stops and you catch up.

"Hey...I saw what y/e/n did...are you seriously gonna start doing this shit now?" you say out of breath. C/n shakes his head, "I don't know what your talking about." You give him a look and he sighs, "Whatever y/n it's not like you'd care anyways." You feel a punch to the gut at his words and sigh, "And how would you know that?" 

"Because...no one does. Vaping takes my mind off everything...and everyone," his voice turns  into a cold whisper leaving you shocked. "Don't say that...I care about you," you lay a hand on his shoulder and he gentle shrugs it off. 

"No y/n...it's just best if I just go home..." "Oh my god c/n. Let me help you! I care!" you say, trying to get your message across. He shoves you to the side and you huff, "I really like you c/n! Vaping or no vaping!" 

At that he turns around and looks into your eyes, "Are you joking? Is this a joke?" You shake your head, "Hell no! I like you...like a lot...and I want what's best for you!" His unsure expression turns into an adorable smiling face. You smile back and run into his arms. He wraps his strong hands around your waist and pulls into his chest.

"And you mean it?" He breathes. "Of course I mean it!" After a few minutes of standing on the sidewalk embrassed, your friends finally decide to come over. "Hey y/n! That's where you went!" y/b/f laughs as if she didn't see you run off to catch c/n. 

You pull away from c/n and face your friends, "Yeah...c/n needed some reassuring but I think we're good now." You look up to him and he smiles down at you, leaning in for a kiss. You lean in to and your lips touch. He sends a warm shock through your body and when he pulls away you want more. 

Your friends 'awwwee' and you and c/n blush. "If you want to come over you can," you say to c/n. He shakes his head, "My mom is waiting...she'll be mad." You nod and whisper an okay. He starts walking off but you stop him again, "Hey c/n? Give me the vape." He stops and tosses it to you. "Thanks." 

He waits to see what your gonna do with it. You smile and throw it into the city garbage can and stick your tongue out at his regretful face. "If your having a tough time talk to me." He smiles, "Okay...it's better talking to you anyway." Your friends Oooooo and he laughs, "Bye y/n...and y/n's friends." 

You wave and watch him walk down the street. "What was that all about?" y/b/f gushes. "He's going through something...I think...and I'm gonna be there for him." 

You friend Ooooo and ahhhh all the way to your house but honestly....you don't mind one bit. 

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