4: Family Cottage Trip Fluff

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"What time is c/n getting here y/n?" Mom hollers from the kitchen. It's 7am right now and my family is rushing around the house getting ready for our trip to the cottage with the rest of our extended family. 

"He said another thirty minutes," you shout from your room. "Perfect! He can help load the car!" She laughs. You giggle and continue shoving your clothes in your travel bag. When you think you have everything you go into s/n's (siblings name, in this chapter they are younger than you) room to check on them.

"Hey s/n you got everything?" you ask, flopping on their bed. "Yeah...c/n is coming?!" s/n asks excitedly. You nod and they cheer. Your family absolutely loves c/n. He makes everyone happy...especially your jealous aunts... 

"Yeah he is...it'll be the best weekend ever!" You announce, rolling off the bed. Then the doorbell rings and you bounce to your feet. You hear your mom excitedly answer the door and you make your way down stairs. 

There he is. 

C/n stands in the doorway with a box of (your favorite cookies) smiling ear to ear. "Heyy c/n!" You yell and greet him with a hug. He hands you the cookies, "I know these are your favorite...we can eat them in the car." You gush and hug him again, "Sounds amazing." 

Your mom welcomes c/n inside and he offers to help put stuff in the car with your dad. "You don't have to...I'll do it," you say and pick up one of your bags. He violently shakes his head and grabs it from you, "No gimme! I have to put my stuff in anyway." You smile and watch him leave with your bag. God he is amazing.

The next hour consists of your family and c/n loading everything up in the van your parents rented. When everything is ready to go, your parents get in the front and you, s/n, and c/n get in the back with you in the middle. 

You take out the cookies and offer them around. "Wow these are good!" S/n gushes over the chocolaty goodness. C/n smiles, "My mom made them. I'll tell her you liked them." S/n goes in for another cookie so you shove them the box. 

"Umm how long is the ride to the cottage?" C/n asks. Your dad looks at him in the rear view mirror, "Ohh about two hours...still a long way to go." C/n nods and gazes out the window. You stretch and shift around in your seat. C/n notices and pats his lap for you to lean into him. You greatly accept and lean your body against his, resting your head on his shoulder. He lightly kisses the top of your head and you allow yourself to relax into his touch.

After a while the peaceful, cuddly car ride sadly come to an end as your dad pulls into the cottage drive way. "Were here kids time to go!" Your mom squeals. She looks to the back seat and sees you and c/n twisted together, "I hate to break this up but you two..." she doesn't finish and instead nods towards the screaming cousins and aunts and uncles heading to the car.

You groan having to particularly deal with your snobby aunts. "What's wrong? Let's greet them," C/n says a little to peppy. You roll your eyes and get off of him so he can open the car door. Then you both get out, c/n taking your hand to help you step down. 

"Oh my gosh look who it is!" Your 1/a/n (first aunts name) comes up and stares at you. You put on your best smile and introduce her to c/n. He gently goes in for a hug but she sticks out her hand to shake instead. You sigh and c/n follows you to unload your bags of clothes.

"You haven't changed a bit since last summer..." Your aunt sneers and you give her a look, "Right back at you." She laughs bitterly and finally goes off, leave you and c/n alone. "She seems nice," c/n grunts as his swings his backpack over his shoulder. You smile sarcastically, "Totally." You take c/n's hand and start towards the house to find your room. 

"Heyy y/n! C/n!" you mom shouts, "We were just looking for you...you two are sharing a room right?" I give her a confused look, "Yes." You mom nods and scribbles something on a huge peiece of paper, "We're making room arrangements." 

You shrug to c/n and lead him to your shared room for the weekend. "Awwe this is cute," C/n says taking in the small room. You smile, "I guess...I chose this room every time." He smiles and puts his bag down, "There's only one bed." You nod, "We can share." 

He drapes his arms loosely around your waist and pulls you into him, "I like the sound of that." You go in for a kiss which lasts a few minutes but it's not before your interrupted. 

"Hey you two...sorry...we're heading to the beach soon! Just thought I'd let you know," Your 2/a/n (second aunts name) barges in. You admittedly throw c/n hands off of you, startled and hold your hand to your chest, "Yeah sure thing." When she leaves you sigh and lean into c/n's chest. "Their crazy babe," he kisses your head. 

You both decide to get ready for the beach day, putting your swim suits on and grabbing your beach stuff. When everything's ready you hold hands while exiting the house, most of your family looking in awe. You take c/n to your family's signature beach spot and set up camp for the day. "This is nice...just the two of us..." C/n says while sitting next to you on your blanket on the sand. You smile to him and look to your left to see all your younger cousins rushing to the both of you, screaming your names. 

"Y/n! Why did you leave us?" the youngest one says. You smile to them, "I didn't leave you guys, me and c/n went to get the perfect spot for everyone." Your mom rushes to the kids, "Sorry guys...these little monkeys took off so fast I couldn't catch 'em." You giggle, "That's alright." 

She scoops up the youngest one and starts walking away, "Now you all don't go disturbing them." "But why? Don't they wanna play?" Your mom shakes her head, "No...you see when you get older you just want to be alone with the person you love..." She says more but is to far for you hear her. C/n scoots closer to you and you lean your head on his shoulder. 

"This trip is gonna be a good one," You nuzzle your nose against c/n's neck and he trails kisses down your face. 

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