2: New Student (COVID Style) Fluff Pt 2

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"That would be great...I can tell your kinda cute," C/n says. 

You chuckle and reach your hand out for him to pass you his phone. You type in your instagram user name in the instagram app and hand him his phone back. "Snap?" He questions. "Same as my instagram."

The teacher walks back in the classroom with a pile of papers and sets them on their desk. "We have a lot to work on since school started late...since this is your first assignment you guys can pick partners to share the work load."

C/n looks at you and you nod back...but y/f/n also looks at you and you gesture to c/n. But y/f/n has other plans....she raises her hand and asks, "Can we work in groups of three?" You feel your face redden for the millionth time this morning. 

You cross your fingers, praying the teacher disapproves but she says...."Of course! I wouldn't want anyone left out." Y/f/n turns to you and claps. You give and fake smile but no one can see thanks to the mask. You feel eyes on you and turn to c/n. He doesn't look mad or anything, just confused. 

The rest of class goes by quick and your teacher reminds you to pick a meeting place after school for the project. Y/f/n comes over to you and c/n and sits in the empty desk in front of the two of you. 

"So where do you guys wanna meet?" She smiles sweetly. C/n shifts in his seat, "Well I know it's COVID but I just got my basement finished...we'll have the whole floor to ourselves." He slightly glances at y/f/n but holds gaze with you. You feel yourself nod, "My parents would be cool with it." You look at y/f/n and she shrugs, "I'll text my mom." 

You all discuss the project a little bit before the bell rings. When it does, you pack your bag with the important papers and y/f/n pipes up. "She said yes! When are we going to your house c/n?" He shrugs, "Whenever your both available." 

You get up and slug your bag over your shoulder, "I can do tonight...if it's not to soon." He nods, "Sure. Wait y/f/n gimme your number I'll text you the address." She takes his phone and types it in. "Wait how bout me?" You ask. He winks, "I have your instagram." 

The school bell rings and you wave goodbye to your group members as you exit the classroom. You keep replaying c/n's last words, "I have your instagram." This makes your heart speed up and wonder when he'll request to follow you...and give you his address. 

You walk outside and see your mom's car. She has the biggest smile on her face and you get in the seat beside her. "How was school?" You take off your mask and fasten your seat belt before she drives off. "It was great actually. We already have a project and me and y/f/n are working at c/n's house tonight." 

Your mom looks spectacle but nods, "Sounds like fun...is he new?" You nod, "Very new." On the way home you explain the plan for the project and where the three of you will be working. Your mom approves...you knew she would and is actually excited you get to see people your age since you haven't in six months. 

When you get home you make yourself something to eat and head to your room to do your other classes online. When there finally done, you decide to pick an outfit for tonight that is less boring than your outfit now. You chose jeans and a cute top, pairing it with (your favorite sneakers). 

You take one last look at yourself in the mirror and a wave of nervousness hits you. Sighing you decide everything will be fine and check your instagram to pass the time. Oh hey, c/n followed you so you follow back. Within seconds he DMs you with a street name and number, you take it it's his house address. 

You pick your bag off the floor and fix your hair in the mirror one last time before heading down stairs with a screenshot of c/n's address to show your mom. She looks at the picture and nods, "Got it let's get going." You love how she doesn't ask questions or get suspicious like some of your other friends moms. 

You both file in the car for the second time today and are off to c/n's house and you still can't believe it. It takes a while to drive to c/n's house but your a little nervous so you don't mind. 

Finally your mom pulls up his driveway and you grab your bag and close the door. You tremble a bit up the steps before ringing the door bell. Your mom rolls down her window, "Please physical distance when possible!" You nod to her and turn back towards the door, c/n answers. 

You see his full face for the first time...since he was wearing a mask at school. You look at him stunned. He's even more beautiful. He looks stunned at you as well and you both awkwardly stand there staring at each other before he steps aside, "I'm so sorry...come in." 

You giggle and enter his huge house, "Is y/f/n here yet?" He shakes his head and leads the way to the basement. You enter the living room and plop your bag down on the carpet. "Sorry we don't have couches or any real furniture yet...I hope that's ok."

You nod, "It's great. We can sit here." You sit on the carpet and lean against the wall. "I have blankets and stuff...it will get cold down here later." You smile, "I don't mind the cold." He scooches over to you more and you think about what your mom said from the car. You push the thought from your mind and scooch closer to him to. 

He presses his chest against your back so you lean into him, breathing in his fresh scent. He's about to take your hand when the door bell rings, startling you. He chuckles, "Don't worry I'll get it." 

He begins getting up and you gently move off of him. He winks at you before shuffling up the stairs. You let out a big sigh, that was best feeling ever. In the mean time you open your bag and start getting out the project papers. 

Eventually you hear footsteps coming down the stairs and see y/f/n, "Hi y/n!" 

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