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"welcome maharani kunti,welcome pandu putron" drupad welcomed them...
Pandav family had arrived on panchal and all are elated with their arrival .

They're amazed by the decorations and their hospitality....
But among them one is very restless. his pupils are dilating as if searching someone,his heart his thudding inside the ribs anticipating someone's presence,his ears are having a tough time because of not hearing a particular voice......

" Rajkumar Arjun andar chaliye" a voice come from behind but it's not that he's yearning for but to his disgust it's yadavkumari....

" You please go ... I'll come later...." Arjun firmly Stated....

" Why rajkumar" subhashini said in a lustful voice...

" Please rajkumari maintain yourself .... " Arjun said tried not to sound rude.....

" Whatever" subhashini said and leave the place.....

" Krishna's where are you .... Why you're causing pain to my heart by not coming" Arjun whispered... And proceed to Bhavan.....


Draupadi is on her room where she practice singing and dancing...
As she is very fond of art......

She's doing an alaripu....

But to her utter amazement suddenly the tabla stopped...
She look back to watch the reason...

And there is a woman standing draping herself with royal garment and tons of jewelry as if showing of ...

" You're seems to be a princess but may I know what's the reason of yours to stop them" draupadi said in calm yet stern voice...

" First of all I'm your guest... So keep manner.. and this sounds are causing me irritation .... So I ordered " subhashini said with a ride tone....

" Sorry ,but I never disrespect you and my room is in far distance from the guest house so ... " Draupadi said
But subhashini cut her off....

" Don't you know how to give respect to the guest.... How will you know.... A motherless girl cannot know about the etiquette...." Subhashini said with a much venom in her words....

" Rajkumari .. though you're our guest but you don't have any right to throw comment on my upbringing.. guest also have some limit.... So.... Please be on that" draupadi shot back....

" Oh .... So you will teach me about my limit " subhashini asked in a furious tone

" No... I didn't have that much quality ... But may I know who you're" draupadi decided to ignore her....

" I'm yadavkumari subhashini... Haven't you heard about mine? " Subhashini said with tons of pride in her voice.....

" Sorry princess.... I haven't" draupadi said...

" I heard you're the most beautiful lady on whole aaryavart... But how can a dark skin girl become most beautiful...." Subhashini said on a sarcastic way....

" See yourself.... And me.. look at my skin it's smooth as milk and fair as pearl.... And you...." Subhashini taunted her....

" Princess I never want to be the most beautiful.... I'm not in this race you happily take this crown..." Draupadi said in a calm tone...

" Yeah... Whatever" subhadra said....

" But I think you need rest as you have done journey..." Draupadi tried to make her go..

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