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" daasi....rajkumari vaidehi ko taiar Karo...." Chitrasen the king of chitragarh ordered....

" Yes my king..." The chief maid nodded......
" Rajkumari......" Lata the chief maid call....

Rajkumari vaidehi is sobbing very hard....
The marriage preparation which is going with so much pomp had not the radiant.....

Chitrasen is fixed the marriage without her consent.....
And while she ask for the right....her father simply denied and blackmailed her to do this marriage.....

Vaidehi cannot deny while her father asked to terminate his life if she doesn't agree with that proposal....

But ..... Vaidehi is a girl who has enough knowledge about Dharma... She knows that .... In a marriage a girl's consent holds the priority......

So ,she decided to terminate her life soon after the wedding.....

" Rajkumari..... Maharaj has ordered you to prepare for marriage....." One of the maid said....

She simply nodded........

All maid started to prepare her....
She's very clear in her mind what she gonna do...so she's just taking part in to that as a eyewash......


" Come rajkumar satyavan...... Please take a seat....." Chitrasen invited his soon to be son in law ....

He asked him to sit on the vivah mandap.....

" Daasi..... Rajkumari vaidehi ko lao....". Chitrasen ordered....

Vaidehi has lost her mother when she was 10 ,after that her father is the life support for her.....her father also love her most ,buy can't tolerate the fact that she can deny his decision......

Daasis bring Vaidehi to the marriage place......

Her father took her hand and led her to the mandap......

" Rukiye Maharaj..." A fierce voice came from the door side....

All look at the place.......

Vaidehi could see a prince wearing a royal garment standing there at the entrance....
He has a appearance of royalness....his bold yet calm voice seems to the most pacifying sound to her ear ......

" Who are you ....?" Chitrasen asked....

" Me ... I'm jyesth panduputra Yudhisthir, king of dharamaprasth...." The voice said in calm tone....

" Well come king.....but what's need " chitrasen said in a composed tone....

" I've got the news from my spies that.... you're forcing you daughter in a marriage without her consent...." Yudhisthir said firmly.....

" No...no.... Maharaj...." Chitrasen started to fumble.......

" Rajkumari......you tell .... Do you have your full consent in this marriage..." Yudhisthir asked ....

Vaidehi had never lied in his life .... But also she can't decieve her father.....

" Rajkumar...... Can I ask you some questions" Vaidehi asked.....

" Of course rajkumari....." Yudhisthir is somewhere impressed by the behavior of the princess.....

" Rajkumar I heard you know the dharam ..... And you're regarded as dharamagyani in whole aaryavart......
So, according to Dharma is a girl's consent is necessary for a marriage....? " Vaidehi asked...

" Obviously rajkumari..... Marriage is not a unison of body but souls ... So if anyone has no consent in a marriage it's sin to force her to that marriage.... " Yudhisthir stated...

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