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Marriage, a word made of scattered letter in a given syntax to represent a certain bond, but as easy it's to utter verbally or to coin the specific word to describe the said bond, the bond in real that much tough to fulfill, it wants total acceptance to those who are included to it, their hardwork, commitment, respect, participation, passion and above all love. It's a fragile silk thread, so easy to tear if given circumstances makes a slight tug but can occur bloodshed if it gets the power. In a marriage, not two people gets to bonded with eachother, their families, their own traditions, their thinking process everything gets to be mingled. Though one can get to witness it's hardship after tearing the coarse of superficial delusion but if it's observed more precisely one can surely watch the sweet result of the hardship at end, so the most important thing has to be patience in the bond called marriage.

The whole Panchal was again decked, and now to witness the grandest wedding of third pandav and drupadkanya, the greatest of archer, who possess the divinity called the Gandiv and the fireborn herself, who was not only a beautiful enchantress but also carry the power of Maa Kaali herself. The royals of Panchal and Panchprasth were already at the large stage where the divine marriage was placed to happen.

The change in the rhythm of the various instruments which were playing different raag announced the arrival of the supreme archer, the Gandivdhaari Arjun himself, accompanied with his eternal friend, the greatest Yadav Shri Krishna. The bronzed skinned warrior was decked with pearl white garment as usual, but today the lustre the white silk garment hold, no previous garment of him could be compared to. His sculpted chiseled upper body was covered with his white angavastram decked with intricate golden design, there was also an extra angavastram that's lied loose on his arm, not pleated like white one, it's purple and golden design making it stand out on his shoulder to complement the contrast with the pearl white one. His upper body was further bejeweled with intricate neck piece, offered by the royals of Panchal, his earrings were glistening under the bright light along with his wristlet he was wearing, his waist band was accompanied with a intricate dagger as per the ritual of Panchal, though it made him relive those nectar filled moment when he presented it to her beloved as the token of his love which his beloved gladly accepted as well as him. His jewelled silver coloured crown made up of precious metal seemed to like chandra on the locks of Mahadev, his untamed locks obviously shared their purpose making him look like the supreme lord himself. The whole arena stood mesmerized witnessing this warrior per excellence, he was surely not beautiful as the scriptures termed as like his younger brother,but his charm and confidence radiated on his face making him look enthralling.

He reached to the marriage stage to assign himself at his designated place holding his breath to witness his beloved to see her in the marriage attire. Placing his Gandhi on the holding stand, he arrived at where his family was sit to watch the wedding. He touched the feet of his mother to take blessings at the very prior moment of starting a new life, though his mother was little reluctant and upset as well, as she was not updated previously of his feat, but after, and also of the fact that she wanted the daughter of drupad for her eldest,but with the roll on the wheel of fate, now here she was at Panchal, wedding stage in front of her, her desired daughter in law to step in her family but as the wife of her third son,not her eldest's. But she possibly could not express her emotions in front of all the people, though she was assured by her nephew, that the daughter of drupad only bring prosperity to her household not any breakage on the unity of her sons because of her unearthly beauty. She blessed his son with a small smile, which surely didn't go unnoticed by the scrutinizing orbs of her third son,but he chose silence as it was not the right time to pursue his mother. Taking blessings from his mother he approached her eldest brother and his wife to take blessings, which his eldest blessed him with an endearing hug and pat on his back. Moving upto his second eldest, he went to touch his feet before he could his brother engulfed him in warm embrace and teased him on his ears in a hushed tone only him to hear, which made him blush profusely. He then hugged his younger brothers to show his affection. Taking blessings from his family and also from the king of Panchal he again reached upto his designated place,he already heard the  greatest sage Ved Vyas, who would be the one to tie their marriage, to command to bring the bride at the alter, his senses were now heightened, each passing moment with seeing her seemed to be like brutal ages, he was baffled pondering how he spent his previous life without the certain lotus eye. He could feel restlessness running in his veins. He felt a warm palm on his shoulder, he didn't have to guess whom it belonged to.

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