Innocenza infantile

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It was a normal day of Summer and, not really knowing what to do, I decided to go to the local playground. The place was...oddly empty, well, there weren't really many kids where I used to live, so I shouldn't have been that surprised. was really a shame, I hoped that at least two or three children would have been there. I had recently turned four, I would have started going to Kindergarten in a couple of months, but I wanted to make some new friends before. Out of all the people my parents knew, there wasn't a single couple with a boy or a girl of my age, some of them didn't have any kids at all!
With that being said, I wasn't lonely, I still had my mom and dad, so I was happy. I just...wanted to have a playmate.

"This place is no fun! Maybe I should go back home..."
Just as I was about to leave, I heard a sound: someone was on the swing!
"Finally something exiting!"
I immediately ran to the spot where the sound came from: there was a small boy sitting there, slightly taller than me, with short black hair and green eyes.
But...he was all alone? Granted, I was alone too, but my house was right behind the corner, if something bad happened I could have just screamed and my parents would have arrived in a minute. But there was nobody with this little boy, did he live here too? Weird, I've never seen him around...
He was staring at the ground with a melancholic look on his face, like he was in deep thought.
Well...time for Y/N to turn that boy's day around!

I tapped him on the head and gave him a big smile.
His expression felt...empty, I couldn't feel any emotions coming from him... But I wouldn't have let that stop me from making my first ever friend!
"Hehe...did I scare you?"
"Not really..."
" parents say that I can't be scary not even if I try...I even wore a towel once and they weren't afraid! Can you believe that?"
"...A towel?"
"Yep, I was a creepy ghost!"
"Wow...I really don't understand how that didn't work"
"Right?! Oh, I almost forgot! I'm Y/N!"
I put an hand to the side of my mouth.
"Ptsss, when someone tells you their name, you tell them yours too"
I said whispering, like it was a secret. I couldn't contain a small laugh.
"My Haruno, but everyone calls me Giorno"
I blinked an eye.
"Eheh...what if I called you night, instead?"
He raised an eyebrow, I couldn't tell if he didn't get the joke or he simply thought it was lame.
I smiled again, hoping to get...literally any sort of reaction out of him.
"Oh uhm...ahah...very funny"
" you want to play with me?"
"Of course! This is a PLAYground"
"...I don't really feel like it"
"Pretty pleaseee? This place is SO DULL"
He let out a long sigh.
"Yay! Wanna see who can go faster on the swing?"
" about we go to the slide, then?"
He shook his head.
"...I think I have something you're gonna like!"

I quickly rummaged in the small bag I was carrying, and took out a couple of sands molds.
I could actually see his eyes shine bright for a split second, then he looked down again.
"There' sand here"
"So what? We can use the dirt, you don't mind, right?"
"No...I think"
"Very well! Which one do you want?"
I proudly organized all the molds on the ground, waiting for him to choose.
He looked at me with a somehow... worried look?
"You can't choose? Well...we can just use all of them, it'll be funnier!"
"T-that's not it..."
"What is it, then?"
"Do you...really want me to touch them?"
"B-but...they're yours..."
"Exactly! So I decide what to do with them, and I want to share them with you!"
A little smile formed on his face... Great job, Y/N!
He picked up a lady bug shaped mold.
" this one"
"Sure thing!"
We played together for a couple hours, but it was getting late and my parents would have gotten worried if I didn't come back soon.

"Oh, sorry Giorno, mom and dad say that when the sky becomes an orange I have to go back home"
He said, looking a bit disappointed.
He put the mold down and handed it to me.
"Aren't you leaving too?"
"But your parents will be very very worried for you!"
"...I wouldn't count too much on that"
"Are you sure?"
He nodded.
"Ok...Ah! How about tomorrow you bring your favorite toy, instead?"
"Yep! I want to play with you again!"
"Didn't you...get bored?"
"No? Did you want me to?"
"O-of course not...but-"
"What do you do every day?"
"Nothing in particular...It's not like I have something programmed"
" you do! Playing with your new best friend Y/N!"
I noticed him whispering something to himself, but I couldn't understand what it was exactly.
"Uh? What did ya say?"
He jumped slightly.
He hesitated for a couple of seconds, then took a deep breath.
"It's settled then, byeee!"

Immediately after I was done having lunch, I put on a pair of snickers and happily ran to the play ground.
I had no idea of how the hours of the day worked, so I didn't want to risk and make my new playmate wait for me.
I went to the swing, but he wasn't there, he's probably not arrived yet.
Well...I can have fun on my own for the time being.
I sat down and started swinging as fast as I could, I felt like I was flying!
A little "weeee" left my mouth, I was simply having so much fun!
After a while, I could see someone getting closer to me: it was definitely Giorno.
I happily waved at him, a big smiled appeared on my face.
There was just a little problem...I was still on the swing!
I could feel my body losing balance as my other hand let go of the metallic chain too...oh boy, that's gonna leave a mark!


But before I could touch the ground, I felt a small pair of arms holding me tight.
"Ah, you caught me! Thank you so so so much, Giorno!"
He put me down.
"Do you have any idea of how dangerous that was?"
"I know, I know...I'm sorry, I'm just so happy to see you!"
"You've been...lucky, but do not try anything like that ever again, ok?"
"Noooow...what did you bring? I asked you to show me your favorite toy, remember?"
"Oh...yes, that..."

Reluctantly, he put an hand in his pocket, and pulled out a little and dusty plush. It looked like a frog, but it didn't have an eye, and it was quite crumpled too.
It didn't take much to realize that he wasn't very happy with what he had.
Still...It was something, and I definitely wasn't going to mock him because of it.
"I like it!"
I smiled sweetly.
"You don't have to lie..."
"Lie? But it's true! I think it's cute!"
"It's an half destroyed toy"
"So what? The other half is nice"
"...Do you actually want to play with this thing?"
I gave him a thumbs up, all the characters in the cartoons I watched did that.
"Of course!"
" insist"

Day after day, week after week, it became a thing: hanging out at the playground together, joking, laughing...well, Giorno rarely laughed, but the few times he did, it felt kind of magical.
But all good things come to an end.

"Y/n, is everything ok? You look...troubled"
"I-I'm going to move away, my parents say that it's for "vorc" or something"
"You mean "work"?"
"Yes, t-that"
"It's for your own good"
I started crying out loud, for a second, I was scared my parents were going to hear me.
"Y-y/n, it's ok, it'll be alright"
"But w-what if-"
"When are you leaving?"
"Well then, let's enjoy this last day as much as we can, it's useless to cry for something that hasn't happened yet, totally useless"
I wiped away my tears.

-A couple of hours later-

"W-well, goodbye Giorno"
"Goodbye y-"
I hugged the boy as tight as I could, I didn't want to let go, but I knew I had to; my eyes were getting wet again.
"Can...can you promise me one thing?"
"What is it?"
"Promise me we'll see each other again"
"I...I promise"
I let go of the small boy and waved at him for one last time.

Il fidanzato d'oro (Giorno x shy reader)Where stories live. Discover now