7) Training Match

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It was the day. Your first training match with your new team. You were a bit nervous but also excited at the same time.
You got in the bus that'll escort you to the gym. Luckily you didn't sit next to Hinata because he threw up a few times. Tanaka wasn't really happy about it, but you kept laughing at this funny scenario.

You've finally reached the gym. You and your team heard two people talking about you.
"Don't underestimate us too much, or we'll eat you alive." Tanaka said with his creepy face.
"You shouldn't say things like that,Tanaka-san. Look what you did. You scared these poor elites." Tsukishima said with a devilish smirk.
"We're not fearing you!" Kindaichi said.
"Boys stop, we should keep the bullying for the match." you added.
You hated it when people talked shit about you or your friends.
Tsukishima smiled proudly.
"Wow, you are really beautiful.." Kindaichi said to you while turning red.
"HUH?!" you responded confused.
It was supposed to make them fear us more, not to fall in love with me, you thought.
Unhappy about their reaction you just went behind Yamaguchi to hide.
Daichi interrupted you and apologized for your behaviour. Before you all left, you heard Kindaichi saying some provocative things to Kageyama.
"Hey, is there a problem vegetable head?" you said to Kindaichi.
"What did you call me?"
"Your head looks like a vegetable, maybe you should get a new haircut before saying something to us." Kageyama looked at you. He was slighlty impressed that you stood up for him.
"Beautiful and cocky." Kindaichi said with heart eyes.
"WHAT?!!" you were down about his reaction and just went away.

You were the last person who walked in the gym. All eyes were on you. You didn't look at anyone and just ignored their looks. Everyone started to warm up when you suddenly felt a tip on your shoulder.
"Oi pretty lady, what's your name?" you looked up and saw a tall boy with brown hair. He was Aoba Johsai's setter.
"I'm (y/n)." you responded slightly annoyed.
"What a pretty name. I'm Oikawa. Hey do you have time after this match, maybe we can get to know each other a bit more." he said that with a pervert smirk.
"No thank you." you despised this boy. He was really creepy and many girls liked him, you couldn't see why. He was like a fuckboy.
"Oikawa, leave her alone." you turned around and saw Kageyama coming towards you two with an angry look.
"Oh hey Tobio-chan, are you still playing your role as king?" Oikawa said smiling.
"Just leave her alone."
"Why should I?" Oikawa said.
"Because she....she's mine." Kageyama said.
Your eyes widened. Everyone was looking at you. Everyone heard Kageyama saying these words.
"Ohhh the king found a queen?" Oikawa teased him.
"Teams, get together." The referee said.
Your face was red again and before you walked together, you asked Kageyama: "Why did you say that?"
"I only wanted to get you away from him, he's a fuckboy and I didn't want to have someone crying the whole time." Kageyama said cold. He didn't even look at you.
These words hurt you again. It hurt more than what he had said after the dare.  You didn't show your sadness, but you felt tears coming up.
"Whatever, I don't need your help." you responded and walked faster.
The match began. Nishinoya was first and then changed with you. Hinata messed up a few times, but you cheered him up. With you as Libero, every ball that would've been a point for the enemy you've managed to get. Aoba Johsai got points for mistakes from Hinata, but they didn't hit your field.

"We need to get her away." Oikawa said to Kindaichi.
"Well I know that she cares about number 5."
"You mean this orange haired dwarf?"
"Okay listen, here's my plan...."

The game went on. Hinata tried to score with an attack and luckily did, but his hand was stuck in the net.
"Hinata wait I'll help-" you were about to reach him and then it happened again. A ball came right towards you and hit your face. You fell to the ground and everything went black.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." Kindaichi said.
Oikawa smiled devilish but hid it.

"Oi why did you do that?! That was on purpose you shithead!" Kageyama was furious. He insulted Kindaichi and was about to fight him. You didn't notice anything because you were blacked out.
"Kageyama stop or you'll have to leave the field." Coach Ukai said. He was angry too but didn't want to get Kageyama in trouble.
"I don't care!" Kageyama shouted.
Everyone looked at him. Volleyball was normally his first priority, why was he so defensive over you? He was ready to leave the field for you.

You opened your eyes.
"Hey (y/n), does it hurt much?" Asahi asked worried.
"Uh..it's okay." you stood up and saw Kageyama shouting. Coach Ukai tried to hold him back from Kindaichi.
What is happening? Did something else happen or why is Kageyama so furious?
Kageyama noticed that you're awake and went to you. He grabbed you in bridal style and put you on the bench next to the field.
"Kageyama..." you looked at him.
"Rest a bit." he whispered to you.

The game went on and fortunately you won. You didn't care about much about the win, all you could think about was how he treated you again.
He treats me like his girlfriend and suddenly he treats me like rubbish again, I just don't get it. And why the hell am I always getting a volleyball in my face?!

Back to Karasuno, Coach Ukai said:"Well done guys. You did good today and we'll win again next time. (y/n) go get some rest, you have a day off from training. You can go now."

You were walking with Yamaguchi and Hinata.
"Can you tell me what happened while I was blacked out?" you asked them.
"Something really strange happened. Kageyama was angry at Kindaichi for hitting you with the ball." Hinata said.
"He didn't care about volleyball in that moment, he only cared about you." Yamaguchi said.
Your started to blush again. It was dark so they couldn't see it.

Back at home you got a notification from insta. Kageyama wrote you.
Kageyama:"Are you feeling better?"
(y/n):"Yes, thank you for helping me."
Kageyama:"Yeah no problem, I wanted the game to go on."
Ugh, why is he always saying those things. That doesn't even match with what Yamaguchi and Hinata told me. And I know that they wouldn't lie to me.
(y/n): "Whatever, thanks anyways."

You turned your phone off and watched Naruto. You loved this anime and Itachi was your favourite.
He reminds me a bit of Kageyama, but Itachi is way cooler , you thought while smiling a bit.
Soon you fell asleep.

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