5) The Party

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It was saturday. You slept well last night with no nightmare. You got up and went to the kitchen.
"Good morning mom." you said while hugging your mom.
"I made you pancakes, your favourite." You smiled, you love pancakes.
While eating you asked your mom if you can go to a party. Your mom was cool with it because she thinks that it would be good for you to make some experience.
"But no alcohol and drugs and no boys."
"Yes mom." both of you laughed.
While getting ready you recieved a message in the group chat.
Tanaka:"hey guys, I've decided that I want to cook or make some things that you like. Any suggestions?"
Hinata:"meat bun!!!!"
Tanaka:" yeah I'll get some."
(y/n):"I love pancakes."
Kageyama:"nobody cares."
(y/n):"yeah nobody cares about your opinion either."
Tanaka:"guys, I'll get some pancakes. Can you discuss you relationship problems private hahahhaha."
(y/n) & Kageyama:"funny..."
You put your phone away and started to shower and get dressed. You wore a (f/c) sweater and some leggings. Nothing special. Your doorbell rang. It was Hinata.
"Wow you look beautiful,(y/n)." he said smiling.
"Thank you, I'm just wearing something normal, but you don't look bad yourself." you smiled back.

Hinata and you were the last people who arrived, everyone was already there.
"Hi (y/n) and Hinata, how are you?" Daichi asked. You talked for awhile.
You smelled something, it smelled really good..."PANCAKES!" you shouted and rushed to the kitchen.
"I can't believe that Tanaka actually made pancakes for me." you said.
"It was actually Kageyama who made them." Tanaka said to you.
"Huh what?" you were irritated.
Why would he do pancakes for me? He said that nobody cared that I love them. Maybe he poisoned them?
Your head was being filled with more and more question marks. You really wanted to ask Kageyama why he made pancakes.
Before you could even say something, Tanaka suggested:"why don't we play a game? What about truth or dare?" Everyone agreed.
You were a bit nervous and you noticed that Hinata was that too.
Hinata, Yamaguchi, Daichi, Tanaka, Sugawara, Kageyama, you and three other girls you didn't know started to play. Nishinoya was busy with showing some people his 'Rolling Thunder' and Tsukishima just wasn't the type of human for those games.
"Okay I'll start. Daichi- Truth or Dare?" Tanaka started to say.
"Do you have feelings for Michimiya?"
Daichi turned red. We all knew that this was a yes but he just didn't want to admit it.
"Next one is Hinata. Truth or Dare?"
"I dare you to jump in the pool."
Hinata stood up and began to run towards the pool. He tried to to a flip but ended up landing on his tummy.
"Hinata are you okay?" you asked him.
"I'm fine....I just need to visit the toilet,I think the meat buns are coming."
"Okay next one is Kageyama. Truth or Dare?"
"I dare you to kiss (y/n)."
You were shocked and a bit angry. You knew that he wouldn't do it so you tried to change the subject.
"So next on is Sugawara. Truth or-" you stopped talking because Kageyama came to you and sat next to you. You slowly turned you head towards him with a confused look.
"Uhm is everything oka-" it happened.
You didn't get to finish your sentence because his lips met yours. He really kissed you.You began to blush and become red, your heart was racing and you got goosebumps. He pulled back and looked in your eyes.
"I...I.." you stuttered.
"Calm down, it was just a dare. I only did it because I'm not pulling back from a stupid dare.
Ouch, that hurt
It was your first kiss, he was your first kiss and he crashed it with his words. He was an egoistic stupid king. You felt tears coming up so you excused yourself and went outside to the pool. You thought that no one was there, you sat on the pool with your legs in it and cried.
"It wasn't just a dare for him." you shrugged and wiped your tears away.
Tsukishima stood next to a tree and came towards you, sitting besides you.
"What do you mean? I'm not sad because of that."
"Why are you lying to me? I've heard everything and I'm quiet intelligent so I know it."
you sighed. "Yeah okay you're right. He was my first kiss and his words just hurt me."
Tsukishima hugged you.
"I know I'm provocative but I'm always there for you. I like you and especially because you punched Kageyama back then." you giggled at this memory.
"Oi Tsukishima, back off!" you turned around and saw Kageyama standing there, arms crossed.
"What now king? Why are you mad that I'm here for (y/n) while you're the reason she's sad." Kageyama's eyes widened. He realized now that his words hurt you.
"I'm sorry (y/n), I didn't mean it like that."
"Yeah of course. You didn't mean to throw a volleyball at me, you didn't mean to make fun of me or else. You know what, I don't care about this stupid kiss. I only regret that you were my first kiss." He looked at you directly.
"(y/n), I was your first kiss?" he asked.
"Yes, thank you so much for actually having a brain and using it. I'm leaving now." you hugged Tsukishima and thanked him for being there for you. You walked out and said goodbye to everyone but Kageyama.
You cried while walking home. It was late at night and you were a bit scared.
"Wait! I'm bringing you home." that was Kageyamas voice.
"Why should you do that?" you asked annoyed.
"Because I care- uh I mean it's just a normal thing to do."
He is strange, I don't understand his logic but that's how boys are.
"I want to make sure that you're getting home safe and I want to apologize again. I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you."
No, the kiss was perfect. I have to admit, I enjoyed it. But you shouldn't have said those word afterwards, you thought.
You walked home without saying anything and as soon as you reached your house, you wanted to open the door.
But Kageyama pulled you back and hugged you. This was the first time that you two hugged. His strong arms held you close to his body. You felt his heartbeat.
Why is it so fast?
He didn't let go of you and he hugged you like he was trying to protect you from everyone who even tried to look at you.
"I really need to go now, stupid king Kageyama."
"Is this how you call me when I'm not around?"
You looked him in his eyes, but you didn't see anger. You saw hurt.
Was he hurt that I called him like that?
"Have a good night and try to sleep tonight." he said and walked away.
As soon as you reached your room, you had to realize what just happened. Everything went out of control and you were so confused about what was happening.
What do I feel towards him? I hate him but what is this feeling I get when he's around?

Kageyama x reader (enemies to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now