6) Feelings

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"Good morning class, I hope you all had a great weekend and are now ready to present what you've analyzed. Please also give feedback how you liked the study trip." your teacher said.
Every group started to present their models. Kageyama and his group decided to analyze a lion. After what happened this weekend, you were confused about your relationship with Kageyama.
Are we enemies? Or are we friends? Are we maybe more than that?
You snapped out of your thoughts when your group was called out to present.
Your presentation was great and the teacher was impressed.
"Very well done (y/n), your team gets an A for this."
You smiled and thanked everyone for listening.

During lunch break you wanted to get something from the vending machine. Your fingers were nearly on the drink you'd always get, when suddenly your fingers were gently pushed towards the button by other fingers.
You got goosebumps from this touch and looked up. Kageyama leaned over you, looking down in your (e/c) eyes.
"I want the same drink and you took so long, so I was just trying to help you." he mumbled.
"Sorry, I love this drink and I snapped a bit out of this world haha." you giggled awkwardly.
He took the drink out and gave it to you.
The moment your hands met again, you began to blush. You looked at him and noticed that he was blushing a bit too.
"Uh Hinata is waiting for me but thank you again for helping me." you said trying to avoid his eyes.
"Okay, see you next class."

After the classes you went to the gym with Nishinoya and Asahi.
"Hey (y/n), we saw the little romance." Nishinoya teased you.
"What... what do you mean?" You felt your face turning red.
"Nishinoya stop, we should leave (y/n) and Kageyama alone. It's private." Asahi said.
"Whatever. But that was really romantic wasn't it Asahi?" Nishinoya teased again.
"Well...it was romantic and to be honest you two looked like a couple." Asahi said awkwardly.
You were red like a tomato. Luckily you've already reached the gym so you ran quickly into the girl's cabin.

"Okay team, we have some special news today. You will be having a training match." Takeda said.
"My first training match." Hinata said. You looked at him and saw tears in his eyes. He was so happy.
"Who are we playing against?" Kageyama asked.
"Aoba Johsai."
In this story Nishinoya, Coach Ukai and Asahi are already there so please don't get confused ^^
Kageyama seemed a bit down after hearing who the rival team is.
"Don't worry guys, we'll train more." Coach Ukai said.

After changing clothes you saw Kageyama standing under a tree next to the gym.
"Hey Kageyama, are you okay?" you asked him.
He didn't respond so you came closer to him.
"I'm sure we'll manage it somehow. We are a strong team." you tried to cheer him up.
He started to look at you and smiled.
"Yes princess, we'll get it somehow."
"Uhm..so..uhm..I..." you stuttered blushing.
You turned around to go away but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him. He hugged you again. He leaned his head on your shoulder and had a strong grip around you.
This feeling is back. It's like after the party when we were in front of my house.
This time you hugged him back and as soon as he felt your arms around him, he pulled you closer.
"Kageyama, you are holding me too close. I... I can't..."
"Sorry (y/n)." he pulled you back smiling and went away.
You stood there still blushing.
"That's love." you turned around. Sugawara was there. He is a good friend and he always has good advice.
"But he is always so mean to me, and I don't like him either." you mumbled.
"Are you sure that you don't like him? I think you don't know something about him."
"What?" you asked confused.
"When we played truth or dare before, if Kageyama's dare was to kiss someone, he always declined. But you (y/n), he didn't decline. He was sure to do it no matter what. And then he kissed you. You were also his first kiss. He has never kissed someone before and he also never had a girlfriend before."
You widened your eyes and started to blush again.
I was also his first kiss.
"If you ask me, I think that he likes you more than a friend, he just don't want to accept his feelings or doesn't know what to do.The other question is, what are you feeling (y/n)?"
"I don't know. It's strange. Everytime I'm around him or we touch, I'm getting goosebumps. I also have this feeling in my whole body, it feels like butterflies everywhere. I can also feel my face turning red."
"Well I'm sure that you two will someday accept your feelings." Sugawara said and smiled before turning away to leave.
"Sugawara, please don't tell anyone." you said.
"I promise." he responded.
You knew that Sugawara would keep his promise. His words made you feel better and you were also happy about the new facts you learned about Kageyama.
If he accepted the dare with me, and declined everyone else, am I special for him? Does he have the same feelings I have when we touch or talk?
Your head was filled with thoughts while you went home. Hinata and the others went to get some meat buns, but you weren't hungry today.

Next day you were happy, because today's class was art. The class finished their drawings and were ready to present it.
It was your turn now.
"So I drew an owl, because I think that owls are special animals with great abilities......." you talked about 3 minutes. Everyone was impressed by your drawing skills.
"Really good (y/n), I'm really impressed." the teacher said. "Does anybody else want to give (y/n) some feedback?"
A few students put their hands up.
"Yes, Hinata?"
"I really like your thinking about what you've drawn. The story behind makes it more impressive." Hinata said.
"Thank you, Hinata." you responded smiling.
Then Kageyama put his hand up.
"Uh Kageyama?"
"I think that the story is just some stupid fantasy and your drawing skills are shit."
What was his problem?! Did he forget yesterday? Why is he mean to me again? I mean he could've said it friendlier. I just don't get him. One second I think that he likes me and the other I think he hates me. I'm done with this shit.
"Okay, well I don't care about you either. Your whole personality is shit." you were really angry.
"(y/n) and Kageyama stop now! You two will meet me after class." the teacher was a bit angry too.
Great, you rolled your eyes and got back to your seat.
After class you and Kageyama stayed.
"What is wrong with you two? You two should start to get along. I'm not giving you detention this time, but please stop acting like that during class." the teacher said. Luckily he was friendly and calm.
"I'm sorry." you and Kageyama said.

"Okay team, the match is in 2 days so we'll train a bit harder."
Everything went well during volleyball training. You were able to calm down a bit and let your aggression out on the volleyball.
"Damn (y/n), if your volleyball would hit one of us, we'd be dead for sure." Tsukishima said while looking at Kageyama.
Believe me Tsukishima, I'm thinking the same as you and I would love to hit stupid king Kageyama with that volleyball, you thought with a devilish smirk.

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