"Oh-and a girl beat you as well, in case you forgot," the blonde told the Football Player angrily. "Level playing field. No fancy equipment or head start."

"Shut up, Nerdstrid!" Eret muttered. She looked over at them and smiled.

"Well strangely, people actually want to hear what I have to say," she told him sweetly. "Got interviews lined up with half the world's media in a few weeks. While you-not even your friends care what you're saying!"

"Don't like queers," Moomin mumbled, about three minutes behind everyone else. Snotlout glared at the pallid, bulky teen: he had never liked him but even he was shocked at the statement.

"I think you should maybe go home and let the grown ups talk,' he said evenly. The other boy had only really gained a place in the team after Snotlout's accident.

"Why?" Thuggory sneered. "He's right. Shouldn't be allowed out. Interfering with kids and coming onto normal..."

"Oh you are not finishing that sentence!" Ruff snapped.

"You seem to be unable to distinguish homosexuality from paedophilia-which are two totally different things," Heather growled.

"It's a common trope amongst homophobes," Fishlegs commented disparagingly. "Research shows that many paedophiles seem to prefer young girls by the way."

"And as for playing team sports...well, it's a distraction and makes proper men feel weird being ogled by..." Boarface interjected.

"Shouldn't be allowed to play Football," Moomin sneered, still staring at Justin who gave him an especially camp wave and a big smile. Dagur clenched his fists as Eret stiffened as well at the words.

"You realise my brother is gay?" Heather growled. "And he's got a Football Scholarship to Dragonia University. You know-the premier Football Programme in the Archipelago? And he explicitly stated his sexuality on the application so there could be no doubt."

"Quota filling," Thuggory sneered.

"Beat your ass in every game this year," Snotlout scoffed. Hiccup smiled.

"Is that why you don't actually have a girlfriend, Thug?" the auburn-haired teen asked him pointedly. "You've never had a girlfriend. You just hang around with Atali's gang and switch who you go out with at each event depending on what Atali says-unlike Snot who only dates Mindy and does date. Have you actually taken anyone out?"

"Nope," Heather put in promptly.

"Never took any of us out-ever," Mindy added.

"And never discussed any dates with us guys," Snot added.

"So is there something you aren't telling us?" Dagur asked him with a broad grin. "It's always so sad when someone is so repressed he can't acknowledge his true identity..."

"You shut your trap, you raving faggot!" Thuggory yelled and threw himself at Dagur...but before he could get more than a step forward, Eret grabbed him and shoved him back.

"Shut up," he snapped. The drunken teen glared at him.

"You siding with the freak show?" he scoffed. "I always knew there was something wrong with you..."

Eret punched him and he flew backwards, landing on his ass and skidding back a yard into the dancefloor. Principal Queen-who had been watching the tail end of the confrontation-walked forward.

"There should be a very good explanation why I should not eject the pair of you right now," she said in an icy voice. Surprisingly, Justin looked up and smiled at the Principal.

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