Part 5

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Walking into the School Hallway the next morning, Astrid was still on alert, expecting things to return to how they had been previously. But as she walked in, dropped off once more by Finn, though round the corner at Astrid's request she saw Heather look up and smile-and then Atali and Mindy nod as well. Ruff gave a wave and feeling slightly less apprehensive, Astrid walked to join the group.

"Morning, Asti," Heather grinned and saw her friend smile back. "How's Mom?" The blonde gave a relieved sigh.

"Improving," she admitted. "She may be able to come out of the ICU tomorrow if she carries on like this." Heather hugged her.

"I am so happy for you," she said genuinely as the others nodded.

"So are we," Atali added. "That is good news!" Ruff winked.

"Did everyone manage that Health homework?" she asked as Mindy rolled her eyes.

"Raquel Thorston-you are going to have to do your own homework this time!" she said tartly. Ruff turned her eyes on Astrid.

"Awww...Astrid? Please?" she whined but the other girl rolled her eyes.

"Nope," she said briskly. The female twin whined again.

"So mean..." she protested as Astrid scowled.

"Not really," she reminded the other girl. "The purpose of homework is for you to consolidate the learning you have acquired in the lesson. My doing the work for you would obviate that purpose. Do your own homework and learn the things you're supposed to."

"Harsh," Ruff huffed, eyeing Astrid suspiciously.

"Not really," the girl said firmly. "I'm not helping you cheat." The others shared a look and then Heather nodded.

"You're absolutely right," she said, casting Ruff a stern look. "You need to remember that, Ruff."

"And now it's 'get at Ruff' day," the girl moaned."Okay-I'll do the stupid homework. Loki! It's just a short explanation of the importance and application of vaccination in modern healthcare..." Everyone stared at her.

"And you didn't do it last night?" Mindy asked her dryly. Ruff shrugged, grabbing her braids and tugging.

"I was helping Tuff with something," she shrugged. "Took up most of my evening." Atali smirked.

"That was your mistake-helping that idiot with anything," she commented and suddenly, Ruff straightened up, her grey-blue eyes narrowing and expression twisting into anger.

"Listen here, you spoilt brat," she hissed. "Remember what happens when you diss my brother? Hmm?" Atali's clear green eyes widened and the red-haired girl backed up a pace, her composure suddenly lost. Her mouth worked soundlessly.

"And...we're all friends, aren't we?" Heather suggested, smiling and patting Ruff on the shoulder. There was an awkward pause as Atali rolled her eyes.

"Of course," she said tightly. "Sorry, Ruff. He's your brother, your business. Okay?" Taking a heavy breath, Ruff gave a small nod.

"Accepted," she said and then gave a huge grin. "Friends?" There was a collective sigh of relief as everyone pretended the last minute hadn't happened. As they headed off for their classes, Astrid leaned close to Heather so no one else could hear.

"What was that?" she asked as the girl sighed.

"Ruff has a twin brother, Tyler," she explained. Astrid nodded.

"AKA Tuffnut," she added. "I know." Then she frowned. "They don't get on?" Frowning, Heather flicked her braid off her shoulder.

"Actually, they do," she explained as they rounded the corner and headed along D corridor towards English, the more junior students swirling around the Seniors like a human tide. "Ruff is incredibly fond of her brother and will do anything for him. They've always been together...but when Atali became Queen Bee, Ruff was given the chance to join the Popular girls." Breathing hard to suppress her instinctive reaction to the tale that occurred because Astrid had lost her Dad, the blonde nodded.

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