Part 11

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Lunch found Astrid, Heather and Ruff sitting with Hiccup, Tuff, Fishlegs and Dagur crammed on a table in the far corner of the canteen, well away from the popular table, where Atali was holding court. Mindy, Snotlout, Eret and Thuggory were all sitting with her, along with a couple of lucky juniors who Heather whispered were called Thora and Kari. Ruff rolled her eyes.

"Those bitchy wannabes," she commented. "They've been hanging around all since the start of the year, hinting and bitching and stirring to try to become part of the group." Looking up, Heather nodded.

"Atali was always scornful that she didn't need 'babies' in her group," Heather commented, munching her way through her salad. "But the truth is, she needs someone to look up to her and bolster her fragile ego. She needs to feel the most important and valued person in the year, to be above the rest, even at the expense of harming others, because it's all about Atali. It's always about Atali."

"You mean she's pissed because I didn't dance with her date?" Astrid asked her, munching her cheeseburger. "That's messed up."

"Seriously messed up," Ruff agreed.

"Actually, I think it's because you didn't dance with the date she brought to show off to you all-and instead you danced with a total outcast," Heather said and then glanced up at Hiccup. "No offence."

"None taken," he said quietly and chewed his fries philosophically.

"I would have thought she would be grateful I didn't dance with her date so she could spend time with him," Astrid commented, chewing.

"But for Atali, it's all about appearance," Ruff reminded her. "And you rejecting her oh-so-special date was the last straw."

"Not that I had many straws to start with, what with being an outcast for the last three and a half years," Astrid grumbled. Tuff shrugged.

"Look-we're all outcasts-but what does that really mean?" he asked.

"Huh?" Astrid's brows furrowed but Hiccup paused and sipped his cola.

"Look, how do you measure yourself?" he asked Astrid. "By your own internal sense of worth? By your achievements? By the love of your friends and family? By your words and deeds and moral compass? Or by the standards of a vain, self-absorbed, spiteful, shallow girl who contradicts herself almost every time she opens her mouth and desperately clings to her image above all decency and rational thought." Her eyes widened.

"By my own worth-not by what she thinks," she replied immediately...and then she paused. "But you are right: when I started here, I wanted approval. I was a popular girl. But I hope I learned what was more important than ephemeral adulation and admiration from people who don't even know your name..." Heather rested a hand on her arm.

"You have," she said. "Even in the few days you were with us, we could see the change. You were fair. You thought about others' feelings. And you didn't just talk about yourself. Basically, you were far better than any of us. Atali was jealous and was looking for a way to ditch you-though she would have preferred after you took her onto the set of 'Son of Odin'." Casting a look over at Hiccup, Astrid lowered her eyes.

"I-I thought as much and Hiccup warned me," she admitted. "But you kind of hope that people do want to be friends with you for you." Without hesitation, Hiccup reached out and his hand gently rested on hers, giving a gentle squeeze.

"The people here do," he assured her. "Especially me." Then he groaned. "So cheesy. Sorry." Astrid moved her hand to tightened around his.

"No-that was kind of nice," she assured him with a wan smile. "I mean, you have been kind of there for me...though I was too dumb and proud to see it..."

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