chapter 7

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We sat around talking with Pulcheria for about an hour. I felt alive , everything around me was new and exciting , I had finally broken free of the monotonous life of the hospital and it felt good.

"So can you heal?" I asked suddenly without thinking.

"You mean can I use Creed?. Yes," she said," but I'm a second class user of Creed. "

"Second class?" I asked a little confused.

"Yeah . Don't tell me you don't know what that means . You really don't know " she said seeing the quizzical look on my face.

"In Creed your strength varies depending on your spiritual and or physically strength. Aelia is a second class user of Creed just like I am  we can manipulate Creed but need a medium to amplify our ability. I use my bat she said raising a solid steel bat with a cross ingraved into it's side while Aelia uses her needles." She said

At that instances Aelia threw a handful of needles into the air and in a split second flicked each with a finger sending them flying in my direction. My body stiffened in fear and I closed my eyes but none of them touched me . I opened my eyes slowly to see the needles had made a perfect outline of my body on the wall I was leaning on.

"Problem with being a second class is that most of the time you drain out your energy too fast . Third generations mostly use their Creed to treat others because they have little Creed for combat while First class Creed users are the cream of the crop . They have almost unlimited strength and can both treat and use weapons to amplify their strength."

"Oh" I said feeling quite dumb for not knowing in the first place.

"Which class are you ?"she asked. I had never used a weapon before.

"I'm a third class "I said basing my answer for what Pulcheria had said.

"No way ". Pulcheria said . "They don't take third class." She said her voice unsure. "Or do they?" she asked looking at Aelia who was shaking her head vigorously.

"Yup they don't take third your most likely a second or maybe even a first" she said excitement prominent in her tone.

"Maybe" I said slowly picking the needles out of the wall and handing them back to the not so helpless Aelia.

After a few more minutes a bell rang indicating diner was ready .


The dining hall was large with a platform at one end.
From one corner to the other a sea of men seemed to overflow their deep voices making the room buzz . The sound of spoons viscously scraping metallic plates added to the noisy chaos  .

We walked in together , Pulcheria ,Aelia and I .

"Welcome beautiful ladies!" a familiar  voice called out from the platform . Sir Paul was seated on a high table situated at the top of the platform beside him five other captains two of which were women the rest were men. In his right hand a huge wine skin and on his kind drunk face a warm smile .

His sudden cry had drawn unfavourable attention to the three of us and I could almost feel the red painting itself on my face when a near by man pulled at my skirt .

The next thing I knew Pulcheria's metallic club had smashed into the pervert and the hall was as silent as the grave.

"Enough !" a nother officer quite young called bringing the attention back to the stage.  He was tall and his face looked familiar and a part of me jumped on seeing his face yet I couldn't place where I had seen him.

"These women were hand picked by senior members of the order. You shall treat them with respect. Remember also that these women might be skilled soldiers from the area Iran front so  they might as well end your life."  he said light heatedly.

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