chapter 6

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So that is Rome ,I mentally gawked at the sight . It's beauty was far from what I had imagined.

Large daunting buildings crafted by the finest architects of our time and decorated by the great artists of the Roman Empire. It was breathtaking.

A sudden surge of energy rose up in me fueling my curiosity and making me dart left and right across the back of the cart I was riding in just so I could get a better view .   The cart rocked a couple time making the driver to growl in frustration. I laughed awkwardly when my gaze met the irate drivers cold glare and i immediately stopped moving and straightened out my dull grey dress.

The streets looked crowded even from where we were , we diverted the  steads away from the main road and headed towards a route passing at a relative distance away . The training ground was about Eight  kilometers  away . Somewhere the order could  train it's recruits without the common folk being the wiser.

A few hours latter the cart made it's stop at a the gate of what seemed to be a large estate. The driver knocked thrice before the large doors opened to reveal a large flat land with a few buildings dispersed all round . I jumped off removing the veil that was protecting me from the sun and dust. My bum was sore from the five day journey we had taken. So I did a little streach . I sent the driver of the cart a jovial smile before thanking him again and leaving ,but he only grunted in return .

I walked down the cobble path towards a building up ahead . I could see numerous cloaked nights standing on the steps of the building .

I'm finally here.

The butterflies that had been threatening to bust out of my stomach started their viscous dance in my belly as I got closer. What do I say ? My mind shrieked. Excuse me I'm  the new cadet... No ,that's such a lame introduction... Ok what about . Good evening sir and Madam I'm here for training... No. I mean what else could I be here for .

"Mess your here " I heard a voice call pulling me out of my thoughts . I looked around shocked I was already infront of the knights. My stomach sank and I felt my mouth full with spit . I swallowed continuously trying to speak. Oh God  .

"Is she deaf?" . One knight asked making my jitters worse.

"No"  I managed to cough out.

"No what ? " One knight asked ,I refused to look up at the  knights but one thing I did know was that he had a smug grin on his face.

"I'm not deaf". I asnwered a little confidence injecting itself into my system.

"Wrong answer . Your supposed to say no sir. I'm not deaf. Val do teach your. Cadet a little common sense ". One knight blurted out.


I looked up and all the knights we're grinning widely. Well all apart from Val who was staring daggers at her counter part.

"Don't forget your place here Paul" she spat her eyes darkening and an evil smile slithering up her face. The knight address as Paul swallowed audibly before falling silent ,fear present on his face.

Relief washed over me as Valeria turned her attention to me. At least I know someone here.

"Hi"  . I managed to greet making a little curtsy.

"Hi." She returned smiling broadly. "I'm glad you've made it. I have been waiting for your arrival so I can leave knowing your ok"  she said .

"Wait your leaving " I gasped.

"Duty calls"  was all she said with a smile on her face.

"Oh"  I said .

"Don't worry" she said noticing my sudden change in mood. "They may seem intimidating but they wouldn't dare do anything unfavourable when they clearly know your my friend ". She said the words casually but at the same time I could here the threat she was  sending. I bit down on my tongue to stop the chuckle about to escape.

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