Chapter 3: The Shinning Beacon Part 2

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"Look, uh, it sounds like you two just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over and all of us try to be friends, okay?" Yang asked. "Yeah! Great idea, sis!" Ruby said putting the pamphlet away. Ruby then holds out her hand as she clears her throat. "Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!" Ruby offered.

"Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond and scraggly or brown and handsome over there!" Weiss said, seemingly enthusiastic as she points to Bruce and Jaune. "Hm?" Jaune asked as Bruce gave a look of disgust. "Wow, really?!" Ruby asked. There is a dead silence under Weiss' glare until she speaks. "No." Weiss said.

The girls' and Felix's attention is drawn to the stage, where Professor Ozpin is readying the microphone, with Glynda beside him. "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction." Ozpin said.

Ozpin continues regardless of the students whispering among themselves. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin said. As Ozpin leaves, Glynda steps up to talk to all of the new students. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." Glynda said.

"That was supposed to be brief?" Amelia asked. "He seemed kind of... off." Yang said. "It's almost like he wasn't even there." Ruby said. "Yeah, strange." Felix said. Jaune and Bruce then walk up to the group with Bruce being the first to arrive. "Hey Ice Queen, heard you speaking about me and Jaune earlier. If you are wondering no, I won't sleep with you." Bruce said, smirking as everyone beside him and Weiss tried to hold in their laughter from the look of appalment on Weiss' face.

"What?! I was being facetious!" Weiss said. "Hmm, no you sounded enthusiastic when you were talking about this cute boy." Bruce said, pointing to himself. "I would never dream about dating you!" Weiss said as she then walked away with a slight blush on her face from the embarrassment she took part of. "No one said anything about dating Schnee!" Bruce said making Weiss grunt and the others chuckle. "Oh my gosh that look on her face makes it so worth it." Bruce said, chuckling along with the others.

Jaune then approaches Weiss from the side making her stop and look at him. "I'm a natural blond, you know!" Jaune said. Weiss puts her hand to her face in exasperation as she walks away from the others unable to bear another second with these simpletons as she would like to call them.

Time Skip brought to you by Chibi Amelia and Chibi Ruby doing a cute and innocent off.

It is now the first night of Beacon for the new students with everyone getting ready to sleep and all washed up except for Felix and Bruce who were brushing their teeth getting ready to sleep. The two new associates who met after Weiss left were talking with each other while being the only ones in the bathroom since they had to wait for their turn.

"So Felix, what do you think is going to happen tomorrow in the initiation?" Bruce asked as he was brushing his lower gums. "No idea, but I think some of the second years were saying we better find some way to land safely or something." Felix said while flossing. "That sounds ominous." Bruce said as he spit the toothpaste out of his mouth and into the sink. "Well I'm not worried, it is our first day tomorrow and I doubt Ozpin is going to throw us in a labyrinth or anything too difficult." Felix said as he threw away his bit of floss.

Once he did that Felix turned to see Bruce washing his mouth with water from the sink. "I'm going to go see the girls, talk to you in a bit." Felix said as Bruce gave him a thumbs up. Felix then walked to the door as another boy walked into the bathroom.

My Snow Angel: RWBY Volume 1-3 Male OC X Weiss SchneeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz