"Gotta go hand the keys back to the Dean," I said. "You leave first and I'll lock up. See you whenever we have another class together."

I kissed him once more on the cheek before he scooted off his chair and headed to the door. "Whatever, shorty," he grumbled and headed out.

"Oi, I'm still growing y'know!" I yelled after him. "And I'm average height! I'll be taller than you, so you better be prepared for it, ya punk!"

Damn, hitting with the height thing. He sure knows how to bring a good man down. After handing Mrs. Anderson back her keys, I headed to Drama class. Everyone was already sitting on the floor in a circle, so I crawled into a free space while the others shuffled back for me.

"You're late," our eccentric and upbeat drama teacher said.

"A queen is never late, Ms. Rose," I answered, leaning back on my hands and stretching out my feet. "Everybody else is simply early."

She nodded approvingly. She was by far the most down-to-earth teacher in the school. Some people even skipped class to go practice in the drama room and she'd be here helping them. The same way Mr. Hardy was passionate about poetry, Ms. Rose really, really freaking loved drama and theatre.

Ikeisha slid out from her spot and scooted across the floor towards me. She whispered to one of the other students beside me and squeezed into their spot. Everyone around the circle adjusted themselves again. We often sat and worked together in Art and Design class, and we sat together with a group of girls in this class, but this was the first she came to me just like this.

Ms. Rose instructed us to choose a partner and do some buddy exercises. Ikeisha clung to my arm, claiming me without hesitation. When everyone spread out on the carpet, we sat on the floor linking hands with the toes of our shoes touching. We swayed gently back and forwards, trusting each other with our weight. It was a weird exercise we did before every lesson.

"What d'you think about our poetry assignment?" Ikeisha asked.

"It's poetry, duh," I said, as if that explained it all. "You?"

"Mm, I like the fact we have two weeks to prepare it, at least."

Considering the plans that I had for my poem, I probably needed a lot more than two weeks to prepare. But I was dedicated, committing so many extra hours outside of school. This was going to be something Aubrey wouldn't ever forget. Then it was exams. Then it was holidays. Then it was our final year.

My palms were getting sweaty and I hated the feeling.

"Know what topic you're gonna do?" I asked, "hang on a sec."

Everyone around us was chattering, swaying back and forth. Ms. Rose stood beside a couple of girls and was happily chatting away with them, too. This atmosphere was such a nice change of pace.

I wiped my hands on my shorts.

"Let's hold wrists instead," she suggested. I nodded and lightly gripped hers. It was nice just chatting during this exercise since sometimes it could be quiet and awkward. Doing this with Ikeisha let me blow some steam. "Um, a little birdie type poem sounds cute. Or a nature setting of some kind. Maybe something to do with my cultures. I have no idea yet. What about you?"

My bum was getting sore. Even though the floor was carpeted, I was at least ninety percent sure it was concrete underneath it. I shuffled a little while I considered topics I could do for mine. The first thought that occurred to me was Aubrey. The second thought that occurred to me was how much I liked Aubrey. And the third thought was how much I wanted this to mean to him.

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