Chapter Eighteen (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Ever since I found the connection between the victim and Christian, I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find sufficient evidence that he was the killer. It wasn't just about the assignment anymore, no, it was about a charge that would put Christian away for life.

It didn't matter how heinous the act was, sexual assault just didn't keep offenders away unless there were thousands of cases stacked on top of the other and in Christian's case, if convicted, he would only be in jail for ten to fifteen, possibility of parole after ten years. He was only twenty three, he could get out at thirty three and that was if he was convicted.

This gave me a chance to finally put away the first person to ever hurt me, to take away my innocence as if it were his to take. This was my chance, and I wasn't about to screw it up, no matter how much Malcolm and Emmett disagreed with my theory.

My father had come through with video surveillance but he had a hard time getting information from the local police about the case because he was a cop in Texas. If I wanted more information, I'd have to request it from my professor and she was clear that this was all the paperwork we'd had on the case.

A lightbulb went off in my head and I rushed to my phone to call Malcolm.

"What? It's five in the morning."

"Professor Walsh told us that this was all the paperwork she had on the case, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So, did no one think to ask if there were other pieces of information we needed that wasn't in the form of paper? Like say, photographs or videos?"

The line was silent for a moment before he answered.

"I'll ask her that today when I go in. You're still getting credit for classes right? I mean I know being there virtually through a phone isn't really the same."

"Yes, I'm able to be a virtual student right now so I still get the full credit for classes. Two more days and I'm free and clear."

Or so I hoped. If the doctor told me I needed to be on restricted activity any longer, I would go crazy, and so would Emmett. There were only so many cold showers a person could take in one day before something had to give.

I kept our kisses as chaste as I could but at night with my body cuddled up next to him in the exact same bed, it was hard to not give into temptation but we did so without too much complaint.

Okay, there was a lot of complaint, and most of it was from me...

What could I say? Therapy helped me achieve a positive outlook on sex, just because there were people who had hurt me in the past didn't mean that I had to associate the act with the pain.


"Huh what? Oh yeah, sorry. What were you saying?"

"I said that was good, and I'm taking detailed notes for you. Do you need me to drop them off to you today? Anymore conspiracy theories about best friends I'd never heard of before to tell me?"

I hadn't told Malcolm about my real past with Christian. He just knew that I knew of him when I was going to school with him. He thought it was weird that I somehow had a connection to the previous two cases that we'd worked at school but I shrugged his suspicions off. I said it was a 'small world'. Great way to get him off the trail.

"Hah. No, just the same one, and it's not a conspiracy theory. I'm going to prove that it was him, Christian Westmore is our killer."

"Riiiiight, okay well I have to go and sleep for two more hours. Good luck with...whatever it is you're doing at five in the morning."

We hung up and I spent the rest of the day cursing Emmett for allowing my mother to come over, something that didn't go so well.

He had just left out the door when she tore into me.

"Why haven't you been calling or texting? I know that doesn't cause too much exertion for you."

"Hello to you too, mom."

We really got into the nitty gritty after we sat down with some tea.

"I just don't understand the disconnect, Lydia. I mean, I gave you everything you ever needed in life, made sure you were well provided act like I am such an evil monster when all I ever did was love you. I just want us to be in a good place."

I ground my teeth to keep myself from growling in anger.

"You downplayed my sexual assault. You basically said I was asking for it. You didn't support me going to court all because of your image. You chose superficial things over your own daughter. We can't move on until you own up to the things you said and did."

"You're right."

I did a double take.


"I said you're right! I was heartless when it came to that situation, because I knew what had to be done so I couldn't put my emotions into it. I pretended that what I told you was the truth so I could live with myself but ever since that night I knew I was lying to myself. I failed you Lydia, and I am so sorry."

Wow. She had never apologized like that before. We sat in silence for a while.

"Thank you."

She cleared her throat and swiped away a few stray tears.

"This was more than my quota of emotions for the day, will Emmett be much longer?"

I checked my phone.

"No, he said he would only be an hour. You can go, if you're uncomfortable."

"Okay. I meant what I said Lydia. I am sorry, and I love you."


"You don't have to say it back, I know we have a long road to our relationship being somewhat normal. I just wanted you to know it."

"Mom I-"

"I don't want you having to say it out of obligation or guilt, because that wasn't my intention and I-"

"Adsila! I love you too. You're my mother, and unless you abandon me, I'll try. I'll try until you stop trying. You spent so many years without trying so I didn't either, and that's how everything became so strained. But I want to try."

"I'd like to keep trying as well."

The laugh lines in her eyes and around her mouth deepened as her mouth tilted upwards, the only sign that she was happy with what had happened there today.

It was only a few minutes after she left that Emmett came back. I beat him to the door and opened it just in time to see...not Emmett.

But Sofia Renault.

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