Chapter Twenty

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Those two-a-days were really starting to whoop my ass, even if I was in the peak condition of my life

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Those two-a-days were really starting to whoop my ass, even if I was in the peak condition of my life.

The hot Texas sun was beating down on me harder than usual, but I was pretty sure the effects from the weather were wearing down on me harder because my focus was once again lost in a never ending loop of wondering if Lydia was okay, or what she was doing in that moment.

She had teased me the night before, and I realized only then how much I enjoyed her company and how utterly lost I obviously was to her already.

There were some reporters at my practice that day because news had finally broke that I was being recruited by the Patriots and they wanted to get the first scoop on the new guy.

I wasn't a stranger to media scrutiny, but it had all been yanked away once before because of Rafael, and I wasn't going to let him or anyone else stand in the way of that future again.

"So, how does it feel to get picked over Drayton Merrick?"

This reporter had ambushed me while I was on my wya back to my truck after practice had ended, which was just their style.

"Well, I am just lucky to be in the position that I'm in, and I wish everyone else involved with this process the best of luck in achieving their goals."

"That's very kind of you, considering that Mr. Merrick didn't have similar words for you. He said you were 'a wild talent with no focus or consistency'. How do you want to respond to that statement?"

I groaned and unlocked my truck while swinging my gym bag in the back.

"I stand by my first statement. I think my playing will speak for itself when I get the chance. Thank you."

She scrambled around to the front of my truck but the door was already shut in her face before she had a chance to respond.

A few cars began tailing me to try and find out where I lived the easy way instead of going through the channels that certain people had already tried to do before.

I hadn't purchased anything with my credit and I always paid Lucas cash, and since I wasn't staying on campus any longer, my personal residence was a big question mark when it came to the general public that was obsessed with that sort of thing.

If I was being honest with myself, I had only stayed at Lucas' house with the smaller bedroom because of Lydia. It didn't matter if I had to sleep in a damn closet, I'd do just about anything to stay closer to her.

And then my phone began ringing, Lydia's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey, what's up?"

"So, I'm about to call my dad. I just need to know the case number and if you remember the names of any of the officers involved in the case, as well as the name of the club where the assault happened."

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