Chapter 4: Southern Constellations

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The truth was, Sebastian was embarrassed. He had told Joseph that he had grown a soft spot for you. Joseph took that as he had a crush on you, so he needed to kick Joseph's ass for almost letting that slide out of his mouth. Sure, Sebastian himself probably ruined it by making a scene, but the guy is just impulsive like that. All he hoped was that you wouldn't ask about it.

"Um- why did you pull me out of work early?" you giggle.

Sebastian froze. He had to think of a lie and quickly. "Joseph was getting on my nerves earlier. I hope you don't mind if I used you to leave." He glances at you.

You shrug, "Nah. It's not a big deal. But now you owe me one!"

Sebastian chuckled and nodded, "Fair enough." Sebastian began driving past your home, you look back as he drove by confused then turned to Sebastian.

"Um, you missed our house." Your voice held a high note when saying 'our' and during that Sebastian grew a bit tense. Then more so after realizing where he was driving to. He never answered your question so you simply sat back into your seat and watched the road.

Before you knew it you had drifted off to sleep but awoke to rock music being played softly on the radio. Rubbing your eyes, you slowly opened them to look forward and you spotted Sebastian sitting at the hood. You became startled once you took in your surroundings and realized the car was parked near a cliff. You left the car and sat next to Sebastian. You took a moment to take in the beautiful scenery. You were in the mountains and down below were the sights of the city. A city you didn't quite recognize, however.

"How's it going old-timer?" You asked as you snaked your arm around Sebastian's.

Sebastian chuckled and continued to look out in the view, "Please stop joking about my age."

Shrugging, you replied, "Well no matter the age, you're still a handsome guy, Seb."

Both you and Sebastian's train of thought came to a halt. Faces red as the rose bushes behind you. You mentally slap yourself for the sudden sad excuse of a flirt.

"Thank... you..." Sebastian said slowly. He scooted closer to you and found himself resting his head on yours. You two held a comfortable silence and peace. You lifted your gaze at the stars. You were in awe at the midnight blue being contrasted with the white stars, but your admiration was soon interrupted by a single question.

"Seb... Why are we here?"

"I just... go here when I have a lot to think about..."

"Hm? Wait are we in-"

"The outskirts of Krimson City," Sebastian chuckled nervously, "Yeah. It's very late now... I should've dropped you off and came here myself."

You laid back against the glass, pulling Sebastian down with you, "It's okay... What are you thinking about?"

Sebastian hesitated to open up about his newfound feelings for you, so he decided to either be vague or open up about something else entirely, "As... grateful I am for you and Sykes to be such a help for Lily and I's new start. I'm still..." Sebastian paused to think, "With everything that happened in Beacon... then Union... I'm finding it hard to get to know new people here. I've seen so many people die... I killed some of them myself..." His hazel eyes began to redden and water. "I lost my own wife for fucks sake. I had to fight her." He leaned forward and brought one knee to his chest. You watched as his calloused and bandaged right hand slid across his face, wiping the incoming tears and up through his dark hair. You've seen him cry before, but his drunken speech was incomprehensible. Therefore, this is the first time you had actually heard him out and he opened up to you sober. Sebastian's sadness and the tender moment was enough to make you cry too. You practically jumped towards Sebastian and hugged him tightly. Sebastian fought back his tears and wrapped his arms around you. The two of you held each other in silence until you finally spoke up.

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