3 - of punchable look and violet eyes

Start from the beginning

With a heavy sigh, Dad slumped down on the couch and zipped his lips, as if cat got his tongue. He crossed his arms and scowled, sulking like a child who never got what he wanted. On the other hand, Mom sighed exasperatedly and shook her head, but she stayed mostly quiet throughout the scene.

What a pair of oddballs.

"Goddamn, your hair looks like someone spilled blue paint all over you, but at least it's much better than you wearing wigs." Of all things, Jethro decided it was a great time to chime in and giggle like an intoxicated monkey. This dude really never knew when to shut the hell up. "Also, I have to give credit though, they really did a great job at it."

"And who asked for your damn opinion? That's right. No one," Abel barked at him, but that was when the prickly sensation between his legs promptly stopped him. Glancing down, he noticed how Rocky had been rubbing its furs against him. It then wagged its tail at its owner, blissfully unaware of the building tensions between him and his human family.

"Oh Rocky, you poor baby... I'm so sorry you have to hear all of that," Abel muttered under his breath as he fondled the blameless animal, whose moist kisses were the only things he would certainly be missing while he was out of this godforsaken house. Caressing its fur, he whispered, "How do I look like, hmm? I look awesome right?"

"Woof!" Rocky sounded, its mouth slightly dangled open as it breathlessly huffed and puffed despite its lack of movements. For those who stupidly thought animals do not have complex emotions, they would be completely stumped on how to explain its glittering beady eyes, which gave him a stamp of approval.

"Of course you'll like it. Whatever I do, you know he's always awesome at it." He faintly beamed, further tousling the dog's furs and subconsciously squeezing the canine. "After all, you're the only genuine brother I have. You're always there to calm me down, so thank you."

Rocky tilted its head at its owner's ramblings of how he was eternally thankful of its existence. While the dog gingerly rested its chin on Abel's shoulder, his body somehow trembled in spite of the balmy atmosphere.


After the rare but memorable encounter with his family, Abel tried his damn hardest to throw off those fresh memories engraved in his head. There was no way he would want to contaminate his mind with the trash Dad and Jethro had given him, and so all he focused on right now was the convention and solely the convention. Hell no, I don't wanna get emotional over these people.

Screw them.

Abel ultimately stepped foot into the convention, and the vicinity was entirely in full swing. Animated hairs and vivid costumes filled up most of his vision, while the incorrigible rumbles of the crowd kept company. Children scrambled all over the area, screaming on top of their lungs as they swung their floppy swords.

Lotte and Adrian didn't seem to be here yet. Abel decided to venture around the place, observing the vibrant apparels of the other cosplayers and their overall styles. Some assembled into groups, while a few preferred being alone. However, they all posed smoothly, lifting up their weapons as people pointed their cameras and phones at them.

Let's test my knowledge, shall we? Titles of some TV shows started popping up in his mind while he observed cosplayers ambling past him or standing near his line of sight. A couple of Harleys, some fantasy characters I don't know of, My Hero Academia, Re:Zero, and my God, there are countless Demon Slayer cosplayers...

Was that show really worth the hype?

"Oh my God, it's Kaito!" Without warning, a girl yelled out. "Let me have your photos!"

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