19 - of repeated offender and stupid loser

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04:29 PM.

Abel was not in for today.

The absence of his loud but exuberant energy instantly left the restaurant in quite a humdrum. With no one entertaining the customers, even the constant murmurs of the regulars and Mairi's colleagues did not compensate for the blue-head's lively and contagious vibes. It had been barely a week passed since he signed up for work, but already something was missing without him.

His swollen ego and the way he bragged about himself might have blinded her. Beneath all of that though, Abel was the one who willingly gave her those savory Timbits, and even waited for her during their night shift yesterday. He could have gone home and left her alone, but chose not to. And this morning, he finally called her by her nickname, and that... actually made her feel so warm.

Truly he was something.

However, he was currently not her top priority.

Retreating to the washroom, Mairi flipped open her travel mirror and rubbed every corners of her face, ensuring all of her foundation buried all the stupid defects of her skin. She subsequently ogled at the brows she had drawn, gingerly brushing them. After the jogging with Abel, sweat wasted no time barging in and nearly obliterated her valuable makeup, exposing her bare face to the world. Luckily for her, they were pretty resistant... but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Can't let anyone else see me like this or else... it would be the end of me.

Just as she finished tidying up her failed attempt at a hair bun, a thundering smash snapped the cosplayer out of her thoughts as the floor shuddered under her feet. However, this exceptionally unmistakable sound barely made her flinch, and instead it had her curling her lips while she breathed out a huge sigh. Ah yes, here we go again.

Stepping out to the dining area, as expected, there were splinters of what once used to be two glasses, with tea seeping out of the shards. Needless to say, it belonged to the repeated offender who just seemed to love murdering these fragile beings. She turned to Mairi with heavily glazed eyes, while still having the gall to carry the other glasses.

"Mai..." Michelle's voice was on the verge of breaking, just like those poor mugs, while another coworker of theirs — Judith? Jodie? Judy? Whatever her name was — merely sneered at her as if she was the embodiment of disappointment.

The purple-eyed cosplayer maintained her poker face as she pulled out and folded her handkerchief. "Your clumsiness never fails to impress me," she commented as she crouched down and started gathering all the sharp mess. "But I'm more shocked you didn't drop the rest. Awesome improvement."

If she could applaud right now, she would.

"I'm trying my best! I don't know why these glasses just hate me so much, ugh!" Michelle huffed before she lowered her head in shame. "But I'm really sorry you guys have to clean my mess all the time..."

Don't worry. By remembering you and how many things you have broken, you make my life much easier.

"Oh well, guess it can't be helped," she remarked. "Let her take your stuff and go get a paper bag for me." She beckoned to the Judith lady — she was certain that was her name, but not even the server's distinct caramel balayage hairstyle did anything to help  jog a memory. At least I got one trait right.

"Yes ma'am..." Michelle murmured, lending the glasses to their co-worker before she dragged her heavy steps to the kitchen.

"Sweet lord, it's the third time this week. I don't even want to talk about it anymore..." The server groaned as she shoved down the dirty glasses and utensils on their respective containers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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