Work Never Stops.

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The day goes by smoothly, the occasional text from a friend to see how i'm doing. Usually every three hours or so someone texts me which is odd. By dinner time I decide to be fat and go get some food. I hop on my bike as the kebab shop isn't far from my house, I ride for about 10 minutes and get there. I leave my bike outside and walk in. The owner nods to me. I used to come here every other week when I was smaller. I order a hamburger and fries from "Bossman", basically a UK name for a kebab shop owner. Don't ask me why. I sit on the window seat as i wait for my food. The smell of the different foods cooking getting sucked into my nose as I breathe, making me hungrier. He calls me and I stand. I pay him £20 and tell him to keep the change for the £4.00 meal. He has kids and a wife plus it's nearly christmas.

I hop on my bike and ride home, I sit down in the lounge and eat, watching a movie. I finish my food and proceed to watch another movie and a half when I get a text from Bailey.

Bailey: Work phone.

Me: Okay

I roll my eyes and pick it up. I still don't know why he can't just text me on my phone. I pick my work phone up from the table.

Bailey: Come to my place, we need to do a big deal tonight.

Me: You're just recovering

Bailey: Shut up you're not my doctor

Me: Actually I am but i'll be over.

I hop in the car thinking about how stupid that dog is. I drive back to his house and step out. I walk to the door and instead get directed to the garage. Bailey is waiting in a Brabus mercedes benz g-class. I get in and huff. Josh looks at me. "Whats wrong?" he asks. "That dummy wants to work while he's recovering from his STOLEN KIDNEY!" Bailey laughs "mate i know these Dons, I take the money, They take the product. Easy." I roll my eyes. "Whatever, guess i'll save your ass when it all goes wrong." He shakes his head and soon i'm on my way to Southampton docks.

The convoy is small, the drive is short, we don't get stopped. It goes perfect. Till we get there. I cross my legs in my seat and huff. "Get this shit over with fast i wanna go back to being sad and alone in my parents house that they refuse to move back into" Josh laughs and Bailey rolls his eyes. "Don't go all depressing on me now" I nod as we pull in. "I recommend ducking Josh, I don't like the feeling of this." The convoy stops and all is quiet. Too quiet. Too still. I can hear the sea lapping against the nearby cargo ship.

That's why it all happens very fast. Suddenly a shot rings out and the windshield smashes, I hear a bullet bury itself into the driver's seat and the driver slump. Furs run up with guns. I stay calm. Thinking. I get an idea and quickly hop in the front seat as all hell breaks loose in the back. I open the door and as painful as it is as a paramedic push the driver out. I close the door and slam the car into reverse. I spin the wheel left and tug the handbrake. The car spins a 180 and I floor it out of the docks. I don't even think. I just drive into the urban sprawl. I turn a corner and into west key underground parking. I stop and get out. "Ollie what the?!" Bailey looks at me shocked at what I just did. "W-Wait where are you going?" I don't reply. I just throw the keys down and pull out my gun. I cock it and shoot the keys then aim at the tires. Idiot. Millionaire but no bullet proofing. I put a bullet in each of his tires, throw the gun down and walk off, my middle finger at the car. "WHAT?!" Bailey shouts and I respond with "I'm done, I had to push a dead guy out of a car. Make your own way home. I walk up to a cyan porsche cayman, take my shirt off, wrap it around my paw, punch the window through and get in. I hotwire it and Drive out of the parking lot. I get a text and so I pick up my phone.

Grant <3: 8 missed calls.

Grant <3: 34 text messages.


I look down the barrel of the gun. I'm staring death in the face....

I see everything go black, feel the cold wet ground as I hit it and hear Grant cry out... Please I'm not ready. Am I really? Leaving this world?

leaving this world. The sequel to Soul mates by Ollie 4884 (furry Gay BoyXBoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora