Cold Plunge (sensitive content warning)

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(sensitive content warning)

A few glasses of wine and a meal later Bailey gets the bill and pays for it, not even acknowledging my protest. He then stands up and declares that we're going to the club. I shrug and Josh nods "But on one condition" he adds. Me and Bailey perk our ears up in unison. "Bailey doesn't go out of me or Ollie's sight." I nod. I know how precious Grant is to me and to lose him would cause me to lose myself. My world. So I understand how Josh feels. "What club?" I ask Bailey who is kind of using Josh for support.To keep himself upright. "Oceania." I nod and we walk there. It's not too far.

Bailey walks in a different entrance, obviously for VIP's and we are allowed to follow by a bouncer. We weren't checked or ID'd. We fight through a crowd of furs to the bar where I get a coke because I have to drive home and the others get two shots of some pink drink. I didn't hear what they ordered because of the music.

We stay by the sidelines for a while, listening to the music and watching the shambles dancing. Until Bailey decides its time to head right into the center of the crowd and drunkenly dance like a maniac. I stay with him and so does Josh. Occasionally they danced together but mostly it was just disoriented stumbling and bumping into half sober people. Eventually Josh shouted to me that he had to go to the toilet and that I needed to keep Bailey as close to me as possible.He walks off, disappearing in the crowd and I keep Bailey close by me, occasionally clinging to his sleeve to avoid him falling and getting trampled.

The club was filling with more and more furs and at this point I was holding Bailey's paw to keep him from getting lost in the sea of fur. Suddenly I get jerked to the right. I completely lose my footing and fall to the floor, letting go of Bailey. Fast as I can I stand up and look for bailey. I see him getting tugged through the crowd and follow but as soon as the crowd parted it became one again and I lost him. I decide to head to the bathrooms and find Josh, luckily i'm close so i fight through the crowd and run into the bathrooms. I burst through the door and Josh almost falls over from surprise as the door flies open. He takes one look at me and goes pale.

"What happened?!" I grab his paw. "Bailey was snached though the crowd, i didn't see who by, must've been strong because they pulled me over. We need to get him now." Josh nods and hands me a paper towel. "Your snout is bleeding, let's go" He rushes out of the door, dragging me with him and I drop the towel. The snout can wait.

Josh's P.O.V.

I beat through the crowd and barge past the bouncer, dragging Ollie behind me. I can't lose Bailey.


I'm sitting on a curved couch with a few friends. They know I'm bisexual and they acept it. We've been talking and drinking for a while now In this small clean bar for the slightly higher class. I'd just finished a long week of working on some difficult cases and I needed some time to wind down. I glance over to the bar and notice a Schnauzer standing there, his tail wagging and his hips swaying in unison. He captivates me instantly, I can't take my eyes off him. My friend Daniel pats my shoulder, trying to get my attention but I just couldn't take my eyes off that dog. Dan and my friends start to get concerned after a few minutes and eventually Dan shakes me and gets in my face. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You've been whining and wagging your tail nineteen to the dozen, panting really hard and drooling. Are you ill or?" I feel the embarrassment start to flood over me and I look to the ground. I hear him sigh and he sits down and pats my shoulder. "What's up buddy?" "Come on you can tell me, we've been friends for six years." I look back up to the cute and sexy schnauzer and feel something grow down there. My face heats up and I fold up in the middle to hide my erection. My friend Ellie has noticed the direction of my gaze and she looks over. "Oh, Leave the dog alone Daniel, he's fine, you should go to the bathroom Josh." I nod and go, Ellie is a good friend, my best friend in fact, She's always there for me. I can trust she won't tell anyone and make the experience anymore embarrassing.

leaving this world. The sequel to Soul mates by Ollie 4884 (furry Gay BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now