Home Time

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We drink our drinks and I say goodbye to them both. I tell Josh to sleep well because Bailey is recovering well and that if he needs anything at all to call me, i put my shoes on and head to the car. I get in and drive off home. The roads are wet, dark and slippery but luckily it's good enough for me to get back.

The rain is beating down by the time I get home and so I run indoors and strip my clothes off, I jump in the shower and warm up. I soap up my fur and wash it off, I condition my fur and hair, wash it off and get out. I wrap a big towel around me and get changed into a long shirt and some underwear. I'm not gonna do much tonight so just this will do.

Suddenly I get a text. It's from Grant... finally.

Gant: Hey hon! I finally have some free time so if you can could we call?

Me: Yeah sure, i've missed you hon, so much it hurts

Grant: Aww i've missed you too sweetie

We call for a couple of hours before he has to eat dinner. It's now 1:25 AM i've not eaten since breakfast but I don't care. Hearing his voice again, his soft, smooth, soothing voice was occupying my mind. This fox is really mine. He could have anyone and he chose me. I fall on my bed dreamily thinking about Grant. I slowly start to fall asleep. Fully clothed and warm.

Grant's P.O.V:

I get up and sigh. That little wolf is so cute! I think to myself as I stand up and stretch. It's only 5:27 PM in California where I'm studying and I have a day off sooooo. I look over at my pc almost as if it's an instinct. I decide against playing a game and head out to grab some stuff at the store.

I soon arrive and notice someone who looks familiar. A wolf, muscular about 6"6. He seems to be looking around for something and doing a lot of sniffing but I don't really care. I pick up the simple stuff I want and walk back to the dorms. A white truck follows me all the way which is a little weird but i just dismiss it as someone driving back to campus. I often think the worst because of my experience in high school.... If only I could go back to having my little wolfy. If only I had my little wolfy with me.

Ollie's P.O.V

I wake up at 8:32 Am and blink as the orangey morning light floods into my room. I get out of bed, stretch and head to get breakfast. I think today is a day for home time. Or so I thought.


Sorry this is a short chapter just getting this out so you all know i'm still here ^-^ Sorry updates are taking so long. I'm Back at school now so things might be a little slower. I had some comments about pov's so I'm going to be doing some more work with those. As usual i hope you are all enjoying the story and hope that you are all doing well. :3 I will always try my best to get updates out! See you in the next one! ^-^ <3

leaving this world. The sequel to Soul mates by Ollie 4884 (furry Gay BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now