Unexpected Family Reunion

Start from the beginning

someone he didn't knew came from his blood and flesh


nayeon is currently on her way with her driver to pick ryujin and lia up too, since siwon weren't available to pick the two up because he was onto something important according to the latter. 

nayeon and jeongyeon both hopped down the car and walked to the entrance of the school, they didn't noticed each other's presence at first not until they went to the same room. jeonogyeon was surprised to see nayeon at a daycare school when seoyeon was probably a teenager by now but as much as he's surprised, nayeon was more. she can't hide ryujin anymore, truth does really knows when to come out. 

nayeon gulped and blinked many times to see jeongyeon, she was not expecting him to come and pick chaeryeong since it was always been chaeyoung who does or the nanny...

"picking up your child?" jeongyeon casually asked even if it's hurting his system

its not something surprising for him actually, nayeon can decide to have a child in that 4 years... but still, its hurt him to see nayeon totally being committed to someone else already.

everything thats in jeongyeon's head right now is nayeon is happily living the life without him, and she was better without him. 

"y-yeah" nayeon stuttered as she panics how jeongyeon will ask soon as he sees ryujin

not long after the kids finally went out of the room, chaeryeong, ryujin and lia.

lia and ryujin ran to nayeon while chaeryeong bid goodbye to her auntie nayeon and ran to her uncle jeongyeon. but soon jeongyeon saw the two little girls hugging nayeon, thats when he thought he should move on and let her go. she was having two girls already, and siwon might be the father of the two..

but then, jeongyeon heard the familiar voice of the kid... making him to crease his forehead and his eyebrows met

"r-ryujin?" jeongyeon softly called out

nayeon became more worried and surprised, how on earth jeongyeon knew ryujin's name?

ryujin slowly turned and became hyper to see the man who she bumped month ago. little did ryujin know it was her real dad already, same goes to jeongyeon. little did he know it was their daughter he's seeing right now.

nayeon's world crushed when ryujin suddenly recognize jeongyeon as someone she knew, her plans were getting crushed down. destiny just made a way for the two to meet.

"AHJUSSI!" ryujin loudly cheered then pulled nayeon's hem and said

"MOMMY! HE'S THE MAN I BUMPED INTO THE MALL!" ryujin exclaimed making nayeon to be more nervous with what's happening at the moment

the two just met already without her notice! destiny is indeed a secretive bitch

"you know my uncle?? wow!" chaeryeong happily squealed making ryujin nod continously

as for lia, she was surprised to see the scene too... somehow the little lia felt happy with this little reunion

jeongyeon smiled and looked at ryujin to open his arms for the little girl, ryujin didn't hesitated and immediately ran to the man she thought was just a man.

nayeon couldn't do anything about it and just watch the two have their little reunion, somehow, in some parts of her heart was rejoicing for the two's sudden reunion but of course she can't deny the fact that ryujin might be asking again about the existence of her dad. 

ryujin's probable questions in the future is the only thing that bothers her at the moment

"aigoo! look how small the world is! i didn't know nayeon is your mom!' jeongyeon happily said making the kids laugh as he ruffles ryujin's hair

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