Chap 5 "The Real One"

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Hondo's POV

We went back to LA that night. Vee didn't talk to me at all on the way back from Hawaii or back home. I let Vee have her space as I sat in the living room. Deacon came over. "Deacon, thank you for doing that for me," I stated.

"No problem," Deacon nodded. We sat on the couch. "How did Vee take the news?"

"She hasn't said a word since then," I replied. "I thought she would finally tell me who the guy was but when she found it wasn't Adam, she was relieved." I looked at Deacon. "I need to find out who Kailee's real father is. I don't know how to do that unless I dig up her whole life."

"Well, it's gonna be a lot harder than that," Deacon sighed. "I ran her DNA through, but we didn't get any hits." I sighed. "You might have to go to Oxnard and ask some questions. The guy should be around Vee's age."

"I don't wanna ruin her trust with me. I mean, we got married in Hawaii," I looked at Deacon. "She wanted to elope."

"Do you want to find out who Kailee's dad is?" Deacon asked. "She calls you daddy, Hondo. If you want my advice, don't dig up her past."

"I'd listen to Deacon if I were you," Vee stated from the bedroom door. We looked at her. "I didn't really know who Kailee's dad was at the time. Now that I know it's not Adam, I know exactly who her father is."

"Who is he and where is he?" I asked.

"He's in Ventura County Jail," Vee sighed. She walked over to us and sat in a chair. "I was raped two weeks after I broke up with Adam."

"So you didn't know who's Kailee's dad was at the time?" Deacon asked.

"Adam and I had unprotected sex a lot. When I was raped, I didn't want to believe it was his kid. I wanted to believe it was Adam's," Vee nodded. "Now that I know Adam's not the father, I know exactly who her father is." I looked at Vee. "And I do not want Kailee to know who her father is. I don't want to tell her she's the product of a rape. Look, Kailee is actually a blessing, believe it or not."

"But your dad thinks she's Adam's," I remembered.

"Yeah, I didn't tell my dad I was raped. How do you think that would've ended?" Vee asked. "My dad would've found the guy and killed him. My mom doesn't know either."

"Vee, tell me who this guy is," I stated.

"Really?" Vee asked. She looked at Deacon. "Maybe later."

"I'll see you guys later," Deacon looked at his watch. "It's getting late."

"Yeah, man," I sighed. Deacon left and Vee looked at me. "Why didn't you ever tell me you were raped?"

"I didn't want you to look at me any differently," Vee sighed. "I love you, Hondo. I also didn't want you to look at Kailee like she's a mistake."

"You know I love both you and Kai," I stated. "I just thought we told each other everything."

"I wanted to leave it in the past. I've carried it with me all this time, but no one knows. I've made my peace with it," Vee explained. "If you want to go visit the guy you can. I'm not taking her down there at all. I don't want her to know who her dad is."

"Of course not," I nodded. "But I do want to meet the guy." Vee willingly gave me his name after we talked all night till the next morning. She went to get some sleep as I went to see the guy. I walked into the room they put him in. "You must be Saxtyn James."

"Do I know you?" he asked.

"No, but I know you. You're in here for rape," I crossed my arms. "Why don't we talk for a little bit and you can tell me why you raped her."

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