Chap 2 "Your New Home"

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Vee's POV

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About ten forty five," Hondo stated.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'll see you later." I left HQ and went home. I took a shower and got ready for Kailee's arrival. The doorbell rang. I opened the door. "Kailee!"

"Mommy!" Kailee ran into my arms and gave me a hug. I picked her up. "I'm here."

"Yeah! Gosh, you're growing up on me," I stated. I walked inside and my parents followed us in. I put Kailee down and she started playing with the coloring books I laid out on the coffee table. "Mom. Dad." I gave them a hug. Dad brought in a couple of boxes and sat them down. "Thank you for bringing her down here."

"It wasn't a problem," Mom smiled. She looked at her surroundings. "A cute little home."

"Yeah," I nodded. "It's not a lot but it's something."

"Something tells me this isn't your home," Mom stated.

"Uhm, no. It's Hondo's, but I am living here with him, Mom," I replied. "This is where Kai will be staying too. She has her own room."

"How's her room decorated?" Mom asked.

"We haven't started," I stated. "I wanted to wait for Kai to get here before I took her shopping to look at some decorations for her new room."

"And your job?" Mom asked.

"I work for SWAT," I replied. "I have the day off because of Kai."

"Well, your mother and I have to head out now," Dad stated. "We're heading up to Oregon to see your sister."

"Aww, tell Yazzie I said hi," I smiled.

"We will, sweetheart," Mom nodded. "You take care of yourself and Kailee."

"I will, Mom," I replied. "I love you guys." Mom and Dad left. "Alright, KaiKai! You ready to go and see where Mommy works?"

"Yeah!" Kailee exclaimed.

"Yeah," I smiled. "Let's go." I got the carseat in the backseat and strapped Kailee in. I drove us to HQ and got her out. I carried her inside. "You're getting heavy. You're going to have to walk, okay, baby?" Kailee nodded. She held my hand. I saw Hondo. "Hondo."

"Vee," Hondo smiled. He hugged me. "And this must be Kailee." He knelt down to her level. "I hear you're going to be staying at my house." She nodded. "Let me tell you something, little mama. You and I are going to be best friends."

"Really?" Kailee lit up.

"Yeah, and your mom here will also be a part of it, okay?" Hondo smiled. Kailee nodded. "Alright." He picked her up. "Now that we're best friends, do you wanna come meet some of my friends?"

"Yeah," Kailee smiled. "Is that okay, Mommy?"

"That's fine, sweetheart," I nodded. "Mommy trusts Hondo." Hondo smiled and walked off with Kailee. Deacon walked up to me. "Hey, Deac. Everything alright?"

"Yeah," Deacon nodded. "Annie and the kids took a trip up to San Diego to stay with my sister in law for awhile."

"Probably what's best considering the circumstances," I sighed.

"Hondo told me about your daughter," Deacon stated. I nodded. "Hey, eventually she'll learn that she can count on us when she grows older."

"I hope she knows that," I sighed. "I wasn't with her the past two years and I should've been." I crossed my arms. "I don't want her thinking that I'm not putting in an effort to take care of her. I left her with my parents so that I can come and find a stable job and home to support her."

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