Chapter 26

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~Little note~ Harry won an award for fine line which he totoally freakifn deserves. I know in This story he's being a bit of a prick but I love him to peaces and please understand this is not real and I know he would always treat people with kindness.

Also. It's freaking Halloween bishes!! Well nearly anyway...

Harry's pov:

"Wowwww. You alright mate?" Louis stopped me the second I walked Into the lobby.

"Yeh yeh. I'm fine"
"We're did you go last night?"
"Out with friends. I told you."

He huffed and looked me in the eyes.
"Yeh but you didn't come home. You were needed here." He looked over towards the elevator as it opens, Revealing grace. She looked gorgeous; her outfit was very fitting for her. It just matched her personality perfectly.

Then I saw who she was with and I could feel my face turning red and going up a few degrees.
"Thank you for last night."
Really. Here. Infront of me. No need to rub it in.

I'm sure he was great but it this really necessary?

"Anytime. And remember what I said. If you need me just call and I'll come over."

Oh I'm sure you will you son of a bitch! Jumping into MY bed the first chance you get...
"Ohh. Mate it's not like that. I know what you're thinking" Louis whispered in my ear.

She started walking toward me but I couldn't talk to her right now. I know I messed up and if I opened my mouth god knows what would come out. I didn't trust myself.

"Yeh the fuck else is it like then?" Louis went to carry on and explain but I cut him off by my absence and moved to sit down in the bar. Not to drink. It was closed sadly... but to think.


About 35 minutes later Paul called us to the lobby again and lined us all up. Me next to grace. It took everything I had not to pull her close and tell her everything and asked her about James or just kiss her right there. But I knew I couldn't.

So I took her hand walked straight to the car. Still staying close to her to keep her safe. I felt her looking at me and I kept my eyes straight, I was trying my best to look normal for the cameras but god I didn't feel in the mood at all.

So as soon as I shut the door I called to the driver to hit the gas and go.

Again I kept my mouth shut and took the time to think about what I was going to do.

I had to tell her, I know we had to talk about what happened. But not here in a taxi driving through new work.

I slowly turned my head to look at her. She was starring at her phone, going through her notes section. It was a plan of what she would say at the meeting when we got to London.

I was so incredibly proud of her, but I couldn't show it. I didn't know what I was so posed to be feeling but I'm really struggling to be mad at her. She looks so perfect sitting there.

(Get the song reference??)

Then the car pulled to a stop, her head lifted up and I turned mine back to my own screen before shutting it off and thanking the driver. I opened the door and helped her out; it was mid day and the airport was full of fans and press.

We both smiled and I put my hand on the small of her back. She seemed to relax at my touch, like she'd been waiting for me to hold her. I know I had been.

After a few hours of sitting at the airport and taking photos with fans it was time to head to the jet. Paul called me to bring Grace through to the gate. She was embedded in a conversation with a fan, they were both smiling and looked so interested in what each other were saying.

I walked over and placed an arm over her shoulder. She shot her eyes up to look at me. "We have to go for our flight now, I'm sorry."
She nodded and smiled.
"It was wonderful meeting you Emily and thank you for that. You had some good points there, I'm sure you're going to do great things with that strong head of yours."

The girl seemed like she'd just been blessed by Jesus himself. It was priceless. It was wonderful to see people love grace as much as i do. Because she deserves it and I do love her. So much. And it hurts that it's ended up like this.

"Th-thank you. So much. And you're going to do so well with ted baker. I'm looking forward so much to seeing your work. I've already started Saving up to buy it!"

"Wow. Thank you so much for your support. Have a good day girls!" She waved to the larger crowd and came away with me.

As the screaming faded away she finally spoke up. "They were all so kind. Too kind really, I don't know why think so highly of me."

Why wouldn't they?

"Because you deserve it."

She turns and smiled at me. I opened my mouth to start talking again but we were cut off again.

"Grace! Come on. We need to get going if you're going to get back In time. You should sleep for as long as you can because you have a long day when we get back." Paul Hollered form the door of the plane as we crossed the runway.

She gracefully skipped ahead and held onto the railing of the stairs, once she reached the top ahead of me she took the hand of the pilot who helped her inside and she shook his hand, giving him her beautiful smile. Before taking a seat on one of the chairs at the coffee table. I took my turn to nod at the crew and then followed suit in sitting opposite her as all the other seats were taken.

This was going to be a long flight ....

How is your day going? Tell me bout it.

Lol it's like 1:10 am. But I had to write the rest of this chapter as soon as I knew what to write. I'm gonna stop now tho cos I need to Work tomorrow...
JOY.. 😩🙄

Please vote and COMMENT
I honestly care more about you guys commenting and sharing thoughts than the votes. Which is weird but hay ho.

So my question for you today is:

Were are you guys from ??
I'm from north east England.

Enjoy your weekend lots of love.

One direction- the reunion حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن