Chapter 8

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Graces pov :
"In the middle of the night when the wolves come out! They come straight for you heart, they come straight for your heart.
I hear them calling for you
I hear them calling for you"

Harry's voice echoed through the teen filled arena and it erupted with cheers and applause. The boys deserved every bit of praise they get, they're all so equally talented. I feel blessed to be witnessing them making history, because that's what they're doing. Even if they don't realise it, they are all legends that our kids will hear on the radio even 50 years in the future.

I was so lost in my train of thought that I didn't even notice that the boys had come off stage. "GRACE!"

"Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking. Did you guys have fun?"
"You guys sounded great. And Niall I orders a Nando's half an hour ago so I got you some wings and a wrap. It's in the room."

His expression was priceless. He looked as if he couldn't believe what I was saying and hugged me before hissing my cheek and waking away saying "oh god, just marry me already!"

We all laughed and I shook my head. He is so adorable, how could somebody not just love him?

"And Harry. Are you alright? I was watching you. You were moving around a bit to much for my liking"

He smirked and lifted his eyebrows.
"Don't worry love, I'm fine. And I'm sorry I tried but it's hard! It's unreal out there"

I sighed and smiled at the same time. "I know. The looks on your faces while your on that stage is enough to make me happy for life."
"Awwww" Louis hugged me and I swear I almost stopped breathing, god he's stronger than he looks.

We got back to the hotel pretty late. But I had to check on Harry before he went to bed, I know for a fact he's been moving around too much and he didn't take all of the tablets he should have.

"Harry. Sit."
He dropped on the bed.
"Now lie down on your stomach"
"Yess ma'am."

I giggled because he was acting like an obedient puppy.

I had him take his shirt off so I could
Reapply the gel to the bruising. I'm sure He didn't mean to, but as I slowly massaged it in he let out a small groan. Wow.

It made me so sad to see his beautiful, godlike body injured.

After I was finished I sighed and got up. Walking to the other side of the bed.

"What's wrong?" He push himself up onto his elbows and looked up at me.
Letting out a deep breath I said "Harry. You scared the life out fo me this morning. I thought I was going to be taking you to hospital or worse." I didn't realise but my eyes we filled like a reservoir and a tear had escaped from underneath my burning eyelids.

Immediately he took my hand in his and sat himself up a little bit more, being careful of his back. "Oh Grace, please don't cry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. I don't know why I'm acting like this. It's just the thought of anything happening to you, to you being hurt just.  Ughhh."
He looked at me dead in my eyes for a moment.

"I understand. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you either. Please, forgive me."

"Ugh of course I forgive you, there isn't even anything to be sorry for." 
At this stage i was as emotional as a pregnant woman who's cravings are only available in a country 12 hours away.

He pulled me into a tight hug, and rocked me as my head rested on his chest. I listened to the steady beating of his heart, he was so warm and soft. I felt safe, for once I felt safe. Harry made me feel safe. It's as if all I needed in the world was him.

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