Chapter 3

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Note: hi to the only person who reads this. It would mean a lot if you could comment to let me know what you think. Cos I'm a bit nervous since no one else reads my story. I would like to continue tho. Thanks for voting as well. I know it's only one but it means a lot. Xxxx

Graces pov:

Uncle Paul has woken me up at 3:30 to go to the stadium were we would be picking the boys up from and getting straight on the road from there. But I'm not a morning person. And personally, 3:30am is not morning... it's the middle of the night! 

So I wasn't surprised when I felt myself drift off to sleep. And when I realised Paul wasn't doing anything to stop me I gave in and let darkness overcome me.
The thing about me is. I either sleep heavy, or really light. I could feel my body being lifted from the car and carried but two strong arms out into the cold, brisk, British morning air.

Then it all went black again.

Harry's pov:

We were all still waiting for Paul on the buss, he always used to be ready before us. I wonder what's keeping him ?
Then I hear the door open and a few slow, heavy steps.

"Paul!" Louis screeched.
"Shhh!" He both shouted and whispered at the same time. "She's asleep."
"Oh. Sorry Paul. I didn't realise."

He chuckled and shook his head before placing the sleeping person he was carrying onto the sofa next to me. She was beautiful. About our age and looked so peaceful as she slept.


I broke form my daze and looked up at 5 faces looking down at me.
"I'm sorry. What ?"
"I was just telling you that the girl is my niece. You and Zayn are the only ones who haven't met her yet."  Paul said.
"Oh right. Yeh. Sorry. Yeh."I looked back down at her and couldn't help but smile a little. Maybe it was just on the inside because I don't think the others realised.

"Harry!" Liam said with caution as not to wake her.
"Yeh ..."
They all just started laughing and walked away. Leaving only me to watch over this sleeping beauty.

What is happening to me. Wtf. I don't usually feel this way about A girl when all I've done is look at her.

She started to stir as the engine of the bus revved up and her eyes fluttered open.

I pretended to be interested with some important email on my phone so that I didn't look like a creepy stranger watching her while she slept. Even though that's exactly what I was doing.

"Excuse me?" Her voice was so polite and small and kind.
I lifted my head with a smile. "Yes?"
"Were is my Uncle Paul?  And is this the tour bus?"
I couldn't help but smirk at her obliviousness to her surroundings. And it surprised me that she didn't seem to be fazed by the fact that Harry styles was the first person she saw when she woke up.

Not to be a dick or anything. But it gets kinda annoying that most people aren't as calm as she is.

"Eh. Paul is upstairs With some of the crew. And yes. This is the tour bus."

She nodded and rolled her neck to crack out any knots from her sleeping on the sofa.
"I'm Grace by the way" she smiled again and held her hand out. Not in the way you would to shake it. Just in front of her. She seemed to tired to do much else.

I grinned back. And took her hand. Not shaking it. But just lightly holding it and looking into her eyes. I lost focus again and it took me a moment to realised what I was doing. "And you are..."

I was shocked. "Emm. I'm Harry"
She nodded with her polite grin. "I'm sure it's a pleasure to meet you Harry... are you alright?"

I must have looked like an idiot.

Dammit Harry. Concentrate !

"Yeh yeh. Sorry. It's just that when I meet new people that I don't work with, they aren't usually this calm.

"Well. Harry. I guess you could say We do work together now, and why wouldn't I be  calm?  You look human enough to me!"

I laughed at her joke and I don't know. Maybe her down to earth ness? I'm not sure. Maybe it's just her. She makes me smile and I don't even know why yet.

I can't seem to figure her out.
But I will.

"Good morning Grace. Did you have enough beauty sleep?" Niall grinned and raised his eyebrows as he took a swig of the carton of orange juice from the fridge.

"We all know if I want to look half decent I will need it. And Niall. For heaven's sake! Use a glass!" She used a motherly, authoritative tone, which was quite attractive.

They both laughed and hugged each other hello. "It's good to see you again. How is your Mother?" Mother? She had met Niall's mother. What? When? 

"She's fine thanks for asking. She won't stop talking about how glad she is your coming on tour with us."
"I'm glad too. Were are the others?"
"In the back. They're all awake now if you want to go say hello."

Again she nodded and walked down the bus. I could here the loud voices of the boys as hey were happy to see her again. And then Zayn introducing  himself. She was just as polite as she was with me. Then she started laughing  I was curious to know what could have been so funny.
But as I went to stand up I felt A hand on my arm.

"Don't get too jealous. She's only just got here" Niall smirked.
"Don't worry I'm not. Curious is all. As you said I've just met her."
"Yeh yeh right. But I mean it, be careful. She's not a groupie and she's not your's"

I sunk back down into my chair. He's right. She's not mine. But maybe she will be. One day.

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