"I'm sorry once again for all the trouble I've caused..." She whispered even softer than before.

Hop shook his head and wrapped his arms around her carefully. "Are you mad? I haven't been able to spend this much time with you since you became champion!"

Gloria had pressed her forehead against his chest now. He could feel her warm breath tickling against his skin through his t-shirt. Hop let out a deep breath and started to stroke her head. What meant all that he's said to her earlier today. It was nothing like her to be so docile, she really must've been through a lot since.

''If you want, I can take you and Victor to the training spot tomorrow... To make it up, you know... It could help you with your research a lot— oh and Sonia too of course.'' She offered with a soft whisper into his chest. 

"That'd be awesome, I'll grab my stuff at the lab before we go!"

He could feel the young girl nod against his chest. She lifted up her head a little so she could look at his face. With a smile and rose colored cheeks she placed her hand atop of his, intertwining their fingers together.

"I'll take Luxio back too, if that's okay. I've got to say I actually missed that guy." The champion whispered with a faint chuckle.  

The two teens locked their eyes together. Gloria wanted to open up her mouth to confess to him, but this didn't feel like the right timing yet. The way they were lying together with their hands intertwined and Hop's other hand gently resting upon the back of her head. Their bodies were close enough to feel each others warmth... It made her feel as if they were a couple already...

Victor closed the front door behind him with a sigh. He glanced over at the house of his best friend, where his twin sister was going to stay at for two nights. The fight they had yesterday still stung like a Beedrill. All he wanted to do was protect his sister, and look what has become of them now. Maybe if he was stronger she could depend on him as a brother. He shrugged  his shoulders and shook his head. At least she was at Hop's house now. No doubt she wasn't in good hands. Besides... Hop was a lot stronger then Victor, especially now that he's got one of the two legendary Pokémon with him. He stopped in his steps when the brown haired boy felt a pair of eyes staring at him. He looked up, and readied a pokéball when he recognized the strangers face. It was Cane. The red haired boy lifted both his hands up in the air and took a step back with caution. 

''Woah there!'' He said in alarm. He definitely didn't expect him here, especially since his sister wasn't home.

Victor squinted his eyes at him. He placed the pokéball back in his pocket as he spoke. ''Gloria isn't here.'' 

''I know, I'm not here for her today.'' Cane's voice was kind. His head was tilted to the side uneasily with his hand scratching the back of his it. 

''Then why-'' 

''I'm here for you, actually.'' 

Victor lifted one eyebrow. For me?  He thought with suspicion. ''I already know about you meeting with my sister. You'd better not be planning anything, cause me and my team will hurt you.'' 

Cane let out a chuckle. What was he laughing for? He just threatened him for Arceus sake! Cane took a step closer to him. ''She told you already? I'm glad by any means, saves me more time to talk. ''

''I have no interest in talking with you.'' Victor kept on walking further, but was stopped when Cane grabbed his shoulder firmly. The orange haired boy was a head taller then him. He looked a tad scrawny, but for someone with a thin complex he had a rather strong grip. Victor slowly turned around. Oddly enough the boy was still smiling kindly at him. 

''I wanted to talk about the champion, actually. I'm worried for her.'' He softly confessed. His cheeks turned faintly red when he mentioned that he was worried for her. ''I understand that you don't trust me, given the timing we met in that cave back then... But I was doing my own research which led me to her, I believe. Don't forget she saved my life too on the darkest day, I'm more grateful to her than you'll ever know.'' 

Victor felt his anger soften up. He relaxed his muscles a little and uneasily shuffled his feat across the ground. For some reason he immediately believed him, but he didn't fell completely at ease yet. ''Why are you keeping it a secret? What is the purpose of you training with her and Eternatus?" 

Cane lifted his head up. ''Because she's doing it for you. So she can protect you.''

''She's already stronger then me, that's nonsense.'' 

The boy shook his head again. He lifted up his hand for Victor. ''That's why I'm here. I believe the champion needs  protection. Me and my brother believe it should be you.'' 

''Why not Hop? He's stronger then me after all.'' 

''You and Gloria share a special bond together. Hop and Gloria are only bound together by the darkest day. You could reach new heights if you work together with your sister, Victor. Gloria asked me herself to do it.'' 

Victor took his hand, but still had his eyes squinted at him in suspicion. There was no way that Hop and Gloria were only bound together by the darkest day. The three of them have always been together as best friends, but he could always notice that his sister and Hop shared something special. Not only did their energy match, but it was really obvious that they had a crush on each other since day one. But if what Cane said was true, that Victor could reach new heights together with his sister... He wanted to get stronger so bad, for her sake... 

''Fine,'' Victor took his hand away as he responded,'' You'll have to explain everything that happened before we start all this.'' 

Cane turned around and started to take a few steps towards Route 1. He stopped to turn around. There was an odd emotion sparkling in his eyes, one that Victor couldn't read. 

''Come with me. My brother will explain everything to you. Please remember that we both share  the same goal; help Gloria get through whatever is coming to us.'' 

Victor obeyed him and followed him towards Wedgehurst station. He didn't know what was coming for him. 

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