Chapter 1

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The harsh sunlight shone brightly through the window of an old cafe, which was located on a busy street. The young and brand new champion of the Galar region, a hyperactive yet sweet girl named Gloria was sharing a large cup of sweet iced tea together with her rival and best friend, a purple haired boy with piercing yet bright yellow eyes; Hop. The two friends shared quite a history together. They both started off their journey through the Galar region to participate in the Gym Challenge after months of Hop begging Gloria and her twin brother, Victor, to join him in doing so. The three of them set off on their journey together and often battled each other. They made new friends and rivals, but also met a few enemies. Hop and Gloria shared an unique bond together, one that used to make Victor jealous of his twin sister and best friend. The two of them got lost in the Slumbering Wealds together after getting their started Pokémon and met a strange ghost like Pokémon. From that moment on they became the two legendary heroes, leaving Victor behind. When the darkest day came, Gloria wielded the shield and Victor tried wielding the sword. But it didn't respond to him. His irresponsible actions lead to Gloria shielding him from an attack by Eternatus, leaving her wounded and bleeding. Hop took the sword from Victor and together Gloria and Hop summoned the two legendary wolves from the Slumbering Weald to save the day. Gloria even managed to catch and tame the beastlike Eternatus. Life was peaceful after all that. Gloria defeated the unbeatable Champion Leon, Hop's older brother, and knocked him off his throne. A few days after gaining the title of Champion, she got a vision to go back to the altar in the Slumbering Wealds. She met Hop there, who had the same vision as her. After another adventure both of them befriended the two legendary wolves who helped them during the darkest day and captured them. Hop decided to train under Sonia to become a professor. Now everything has been peaceful for a while. The three friends often did research together and still battled each other regularly. Gloria and Victor were known as the battle twins now, since both were very strong. Of course, it was always Gloria who won the battle. Never has she ever lost a battle since starting her journey.

Hop and Gloria's foreheads bumped into each other when they went to take a sip out of the straw at the same time. Hop moved his head back and placed both his elbows on the table. He grinned at her and stared intensely into his rivals eyes. Both of them were wearing a disguise. The same blue cap and an oversized sweatshirt above their usual clothes to hide their identities. They both were seen as a celebrity since the darkest day, especially Gloria since she was the champion of the Galar region. The brunette girl let out a deep yet satisfied sigh and leaned back in her chair.

"This place really serves the best tea. We should come back on another date here soon!" she was shining as she spoke.

Hop's cheek started to turn red a little bit. He put the cap down to hide his blushing face and looked away to the side. Date. The two of them often went on their so called dates together. Gloria and Hop had a huge crush on each other. They loved each other dearly. Everyone who was close to them knew about it and kept pushing them towards each other, especially Victor and Sonia. Although both Hop and Gloria called the alone time they spend togerher dates, they both weren't sure if the other one meant it as a real date or in a joking way.
Hop's eyes suddenly drifted back up to Gloria's face. He tilted his head to the side and squinted his eyes in confusion.

"What you got there mate?" he asked her while stretching out his arm.

His fingertips softly stroked her cheek and traced down to the end of her lips. Gloria gulped and backed away a bit more, but Hop only leaned in closer to her. The young champion could feel her face heat up. Her cheeks were turning beet red when one if his fingers stroked past her upperlip. His thumb suddenly poked her cheek at the spot of a small bruise.

"Oof." Gloria softly grunted as she jerked away her face from him. Hop immediately took back his hand and put his arms around each other, raising one eyebrow at her. Gloria was a wild type when it came to Pokémon battles and training. Oleana had scolded her several times already, saying that the champion should look less bruised and wounded.

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