Chapter 4

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Gloria was running on ahead, being followed by her trusty Zamazenta and newly owned Luxio. Victor sighed deeply and came to a halt next to her once they reached the top of the hill. His own partner Pokémon, Rillaboom, sat down in the grass the second his trainer stood still. The grass pokemon was out of breath from trying to keep up with his trainer's sister. The twins decided to go to the wild area to train and make curry together! Actually, it was just Gloria who wanted to make curry so badly. Victor just rolled along so he could keep watch over his sister like he discussed with Leon. He was looking around and kept being cautious of the people around them. Anyone could be the stalker of his sister. He felt that as her brother, it was his duty to protect her! Gloria jumped up in the air and started to point her index finger at her twin brother. Her eyes were shining brightly in the warm midday sun.

"Come at us, Victor and Rillaboom! With all you've got!" She yelled at them.

Luxio roared and jumped in front of her trainer and poked his tail high up in the air. The Pokémon was ready for training! Victor and Rillaboom glanced at each other for a few seconds.

"Glo, shouldn't you take it a little bit more slowly? Your knee is still wounded after all..."

"I'm perfectly fine! Come on now!" She stubbornly yelled.

Victor nodded at Rillaboom, who ran forwards with excitement. Sparks started to emit from Luxio's body.

"Alright Rillaboom! Use Drumbeating, keep focusing on the ground!" The brown haired boy commanded it's Pokémon with excitement filling his voice.

The big Pokémon started to beat its sticks loudly on the ground. Large roots started to sprout from the ground. The roots kept growing and growing while trying to reach Luxio.

"Jump up high in the air! Use your speed and lightness at your adventage like we practiced, Luxio!" Gloria yelled to her Pokémon.

Luxio nodded back in understanding and started to sprint towards the roots that were sprouting from the ground instead of running away from them. The ground underneath Luxio started to shake. The blue Pokémon jumped up high in the air to avoid the root that was spurting out of the ground. Victor looked at his sister with confusion, but Gloria just focused on the Luxio with determination gleaming in her eyes. Another root was being slammed Luxio's way. The small Pokémon let itself fall down to the ground in order to avoid the massive peace of wood, but instead of the ground in landed atop of the root that tried to hit him the first time. It landed neatly on all four of its paws, but it made haste to jump from root to root in order to get closer to the Rillaboom savely.

"What? Rillaboom, put all your energy in hitting him! Don't let him use the roots to his advantage!" Victor yelled.

"Do it now, Luxio!" Gloria interrupted her brother loudly.

Luxio started to roar loudly. It stood still for a single moment. It's blue fur started to spike up and glow yellow from all the electricity it was collecting. It leaped up high in the air at extreme speed and summoned an enormous thunderbolt. An enormous explosion made the ground shake, a dust cloud appeared around the large grass starter.

"Are you okay buddy?" Victor yelled with worry filled in his voice.

Luxio turned his head towards the champion. Gloria smirked and nodded back.

"Take advantage of the situation, unarm him using crunch twice! Then try sending him back with a smaller thunderbolt!" She commanded while pointing her finger towards the dust cloud.

Luxio jumped into the dustcloud. A few cries could be heard before both the Pokémon jumped out of it, each on the other side and unable to see each other. Victor looked in shock when he saw his Rillaboom rise from the dust. It was hurt pretty badly, and both of his drumsticks were missing! Both of his arms had bite marks in them. He gritted his teeth together and searched for his sisters face behind the cloud. What kind of strategy did his twin come up with to make such a young and weak Pokémon so overpowered? Inteleon, who had been with Gloria since the start of her journey, even had a hard time defeating Rillaboom in battle. So how come that this Luxio she didn't even own was so powerful already?

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