''Rotomphone, thank you so much. Please save this video.'' The young boy said with a soft voice as the rotomphone flew back into his pocket. Victor turned around and headed back towards the entrance. He was going to confront his sister tomorrow.

Gloria shoved the chair against the table and cleaned up her dishes. She just finished breakfast along with her Pokémon team. Once she had cleaned up the table and put her pokémon back in their balls she walked back into her bedroom to grab her trusty old bag. On the bed was Vibrava, sleeping soundly in the blanket Cane had wrapped him up in yesterday night. They went to train once again, but she got attacked before she reached the hidden village. The young champion suddenly got an sudden wave of pain through out her whole body. The training she did with Cane was rough on her, but what Calyrex told them yesterday convinced her to train even harder then before. Her pokémon told her everything before hand already, but he also told her that he couldn't say what was going to happen. It simply wasn't how things worked, he explained to her. With an aching body the brunette girl gently picked up the wounded Vibrava. She suddenly got reminded to when they found Shinx. She grasped for her chest with her free hand. They've only been together for a few weeks, yet she missed him lots already. Maybe she could take her back home with her today while dropping off Vibrava. The girl took a deep breath and walked out of the front door. She was about to close it when she suddenly felt a warm hand on her shoulder.

''Gloria, wait!''

It was Victor. Gloria turned her head around to face her twin brother. His eyes were worriedly focussed on his sisters face.

''Where'd you get that Vibrava? Why is it wounded, and where are you going?'' He asked her with a frown.

''I found him this morning, I'm taking it to Sonia for-''

''Don't lie to me, Gloria. '' Victors voice was loud and cold.

They locked eyes for a few seconds. Gloria could sense that he had a lot of mixed emotions. Worry, sadness and madness. She took a step backwards but Victor grabbed her hand. Has he found out about yesterday? Did he see her sneak out? Did everyone else at the lab know it too? Is that why he arrived earlier, to tell everyone about it? Gloria's headaches started to get even worse the more she thought about it.

''What did you see?'' She softly whispered while looking down at the ground.

''I've seen you go into the slumbering wealds with Cane. The mist got too thick to follow you after a while, but I got enough footage to proof what I saw... Why are you meeting with him behind my back, Gloria? Don't you see that I just want to do what's best for you?'' Victor's voice was harsh at first, but in the last sentence it turned soft and kind.

Gloria jerked her hand away from Victors grip. Her heart felt as if it was breaking apart. What Cane said was true. Even Victor, the person she trusted most on this whole world betrayed her in her eyes. She was doing this to get stronger, so she wouldn't be seen as helpless anymore by everyone! She clenched her fist, but her body started to ache again. She let out a soft groan and turned back around.

''You don't know what I'm going through Victor. '' She spat out as she reached for a pokéball out of her pocket.

''That's why I'm trying to understand, let me help you!'' Victor said as he reached out his hand again to her.

''Leave me alone!'' Gloria loudly said.

Their mum was standing in the doorway too now. Her eyes were filled with worry as she looked at her children. ''Gloria, Victor. What's going on here?''

Victor and Gloria both remained silent, both facing the other way. The brown haired woman walked outside and tried to rest her hand on Gloria's head, but Gloria took another step forwards to avoid her mum's caring hand. She turned her head around with tears dripping down her face. She wanted to jump into her mothers arms more than everything right now, but her instinct told her to flee. Gloria stretched out her arms to hand over the wounded Vibrava to her mum, who accepted to pokémon with open arms.

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