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The next morning I walk into school with Jug and we go to the blue and gold office. We stop in our tracks when Sheriff Keller and Weatherbee stood in front of our murder board.


"Hey. Uh, what's up?"

"I'm going to need both of you to come down to the station with me." I sigh and we start walking out. Archie and Betty look over at us and I look at them.

"Call our dads."

"Yeah, yeah. Of course."
"Forensics came back on the car. Despite the fire, we were able to pull a pair of prints off the trunk. Yours, Anna's and Betty's. This is, of course, no surprise. But what did surprise me was this. Your prints were on file from an incident that happened six years ago, where you two spent some time with the Riverdale Juvenile Delinquent Center for...Attempting to burn down Riverdale Elementary School."

"We were playing with matches, and that's a pretty tenuous connection for a sheriff." I say and he shakes his head.

"Well, Principal Weatherbee also allowed me to have a look at your school records. You have a long and rough history, Mr. Jones. Bullied a lot."

"Yeah, my name is Jughead."

"By the football team, in particular. I can only assume that would have included Jason Blossom."

"Hold up Sheriff, you think that Jughead hurt Jason, really."

"How about this? How about you tell me your whereabouts on the week of July 4th

"This is crazy. You think we..."

"Anna, your family was being bullied and you have a history of picking fights with the football team when they bully Jughead."

"Yeah with Reggie, because he doesn't know when to quit. This is so stupid?"

"Jughead. A kid like you, raised on the wrong side of the tracks by a deadbeat dad, bullied by kids like Jason Blossom. Who wouldn't want to lash out at that? Anna, you on the other hand your brother is now captain of the football team."

"This is ridiculous Sheriff. Were not talking to you anymore. I want a lawyer."
"Dad, this is so stupid. I can't believe he thinks that we could have hurt Jason. He even tried to say that we burnt the car. I was the one who took him to the car. Then he asked where we were on July 4th."

"You were working with us at Andrew Construction. All the evidence against you is circumstantial. We're gonna get you out of here. What were you doing out by old route 40 anyway with Betty and Jug."

"Betty said that Polly told her about a car, that they were supposed to use to get away. Betty wanted to know if it was true so we went and we found it, with Jason's clothes, his jacket, packages of drugs. So the only thing we could do was take pictures for evidence. Then we called Sheriff Keller." An officer comes in and I look over.

"Your free to go." We walk past the officer and go into the lobby where everyone was waiting.

"Alright lets go." We walk out of the Sheriff's station and FP walks up.

"Jughead! I'm sorry. I came as soon as I got your messages. My phone, the friggin' battery. I forgot to plug it in last night. What the hell happened?"

"Nothing. It's fine now. Mr. Andrews and Uncle Sam took care of it."

"What jacked-up crap did they accuse you of in there, huh? Those bastards trying to throw you in jail like they did your old man? Well, screw that. I will rip Keller a new one for trying to pull that..."

"FP, settle down." My dad goes to grab him and he pushes him away.

"Hey! Hey! This is my son, he is my son, Sam! You'd do the same for your kids."

𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚗// 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙿𝚎𝚊Where stories live. Discover now