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"Thank you for having me." I smile and Penelope looks over at me.

"Cheryl invited you. I have no idea why you're here." She says and I continue eating.

"Me neither. I thought there'd be other girls." I mumble and I look around.

"Nana Rose, would you like some more ham?" Nana Rose doesn't answer and Clifford rolls his eyes.

"Anna, would you like some more maple ham?"

"I'm good. It's delicious, though. You can really taste the maple."

"You do know that Riverdale was founded on the maple syrup industry."

"I did, actually. It's fascinating though."

"That's where Sweetwater River got its name. Perhaps you should ask your father about it, sometime. How is he, by the way?"

"Okay. He's working hard."

"There are worse things than being a Serpent."

"Like this dinner party." Cheryl mumbles and her mom looks up.

"What did you say?"


"It must have been hard for you to watch your father throw his life away."

"He's actually not in the Serpents anymore. He's a hardworking man with a great life. It's good to say goodbye to your old life. That's why I think it's so great. You're all getting a chance to say goodbye to Jason tomorrow..."

"Not all of us."

"That's because some people already got to say goodbye to Jason. While rowing him across the river to his death."

After dinner, we went up to Cheryl's room and we sat on her bed. She was showing me pictures of Jason and the family and I smile.

"hope this isn't weird, but I always thought Jason was crazy handsome."

"The handsomest. He adored you, you know that." She smiles and I smile back.

"Why did you invite me tonight? Why not Tina? Or Ginger? Aren't they your besties now?"

"And yet, that night at the pep rally, after I had my panic attack, you helped me. Not them. You were always there even when I was mean to you." I nod and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Cheryl. You're allowed to say goodbye to your brother. But, why does it have to be..."

"In front of people?"


"Everything with Jason's been so... Public. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has been gossiping. Saying he got what he deserved, or that he didn't. I just... I want everyone to know that I'm... I'm sorry. And that Jason deserved a... A better family than what he got."

"Then do it. I'll help you. And let Penelope and Clifford Blossom do their worst."

"Oh, they will. They'll kill me."

"I am here for you, whenever." I smile and she hugs me.

"Thank you Anna Banana."
I stood behind Cheryl as she was dressed in black.

"You ready?"

"Just about. You go ahead. I'll be down."

"Okay." I leave and go downstairs to see my mom and dad standing in the hallway talking.

"Hi mom, hi dad." I smile and they both look over at me.

"How was Thornhill last night."

"Fine except for the Blossoms on course. Cheryl's mom and dad are awful. We should go sit down. I sit down next to my brother and he grabs my hand. I look over at him and he smiles.

"Oh, my God. Yes." I look over to see Cheryl in the same dress that she left Jason in and my eyes widen as she takes the podium.

"Welcome to Thornhill. Thank you all for coming. If you'll kindly take your seats. I'd like to start the memorial with a few words about Jason." Penelope goes to get up and I glare at her.

"You are only going to make things worse," I whisper and she sits back down.

"The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress. I know it's impossible. But I swear, when I put it on, it... It feels like he's in the room with me. Even though we were twins, I used to demand I have my own birthday party. Until one year, out of the blue, Jason convinced me we had to combine them into one. It wasn't until years later, I found out why. It was because no one wanted to come to mine. And Jason didn't want me to know. He protected me. Every single day. I wish, that day at the river, I had protected him. I'm so sorry, Jay-Jay. We failed you. All of us." She hugs the casket and I quickly get up and she wraps her arms around me.

"Come on Cheryl let's get you upstairs." I help her and her mother gets up.

"I think we'll adjourn now to the Winter Salon for a light supper." I look over at Betty and Jug and mouth a now and they both nod.

After getting Cheryl settled I left her alone to go help Betty and Jug.

"Yeah. Is it me or did the temperature just drop like it does in horror movies?" I say as we go into Jason's room.

"That's just the icy chill of the dead."

"Where does a teenage boy hide things?"

"Under the mattresses, maybe in the drawers, behind the headboard, in the closet," I suggest and jump when I hear Nana Rose.


"Holy... I'm so sorry, we were just leaving."

"Oh. It's you. How lovely to see you again. Come closer, I wanna get a good look at you."

"The horror. The horror." I hit Jughead and he stops.

"Come closer, Polly dear."

"It's nice to see you again, too. I'm sorry it had to be under such terrible circumstances. Well, of course, you're not wearing it. God bless."

"Wearing what?" Betty asks.

"The ring, Polly. That ring has been in the Blossom family for generations. You keep it close to your heart, always. But don't tell Penelope I gave it to you. Or she'll likely come and snip it off your finger!" She says and I jump at the last words. 

"I won't, I promise."

"Such a shame. Your wedding was the last thing I was living for. I lost a grandson, but you, you've lost the love of your young life. Poor child." She says and Betty gets up.

"Excuse me. I have to... I can't... I have to." I go to walk back to Cheryl's room but I'm stopped by Penelope's voice.

"It's what Jason would've wanted."

"No, Cheryl. As always, it's what you wanted. I hope you enjoyed yourself. 'Cause after tonight, there will be no more River Vixens. And if not for the fact that no one would have you, I'd be shipping you off to a boarding school in Europe tonight." Her mom walks out and I see Cheryl crying.

I walk away and go find my mom and dad.
I sat on my bed with Nick across from me and I look down at my lap while picking the nail polish off my nails.  

"What's wrong."

"I just spent the last 24 hours in the gothic horror story that is Cheryl Blossom's life. And it just reminded me how lucky we are. To have a mom and dad who protects us and each other." I hug him and he doesn't let go.

"I love you, Nick."

"I love you to Anna."

*Jughead's Narration*

Every town has one. The house on the haunted hill all the kids avoid. Now that Jason was buried in the earth, it would only be a matter of time until something poisonous bloomed. In that long, cold shadow cast by his death.

Whatever grew in the rich black soil of the Blossom's garden always found its way to the town. Whether it was murder. Or love. Or secrets. Or lies.

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