𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎

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I make my way down the hallway with the rest of the vixens when I see Archie sitting on the bench in front of the office and I stop in my tracks to see what he was doing. I studied the pain and frustration on his face as he struggled to wrap his left hand with a bandage. I sighed before letting the girls know I would catch up with them later so I could help him.

As I walk over he looks up and gives me a soft smile and I sit down grabbing the bandage from him, laying it across my lap.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this your playing hand?" He nods in defeat and I sigh shaking my head. I slowly wrap the bandage around his wrist before making my way up to his hand.

"Archie, this hand is your instrument, you need to take better care of it. And, you know, stop punishing yourself while you're at it." I scold and he looks up at me.

"I'm not." He defends but I could see the conflict in his eyes as he speaks, knowing well that there was a part of him that he was still punishing himself for everything that has happened so far this year.

"Are you sure?"

"I got slammed because I didn't know the play. I didn't know the play because, like an idiot, instead of memorizing my plays I was up late last night working on some of my songs with Valerie. God, I'm such an idiot." He mumbles the last part and I raise an eyebrow.

"Valerie, huh?" That came out way stronger than it needed to. The was a hint of jealousy in my voice that shouldn't have been there. He gives me a suspicious look and I shake my head.

"No, I endorse this. I'm glad Valerie is able to help you with your music. I think it's great."

"You jealous Anna?" Archie asks and nudges me and I shake my head. My cheeks heated up at his playfulness.

"Please, I had my seven minutes in heaven with Archie Andrews when we were kids." I finish wrapping his hand and place the sticky part of the bandage together so it seals.

"Okay. Good as new. But try to take better care of it. That hand is going to be worth millions one day." I kiss his hand, leaving a lipstick stain on it. I set it down before getting up and grabbing my things.

"I will see you later lover boy." I walk away and for a split second I look back and he gives me a soft smile as I round the corner.

I hear footsteps and then my name leaves Archie's mouth as he catches up to me. I stop and turn around to face him and he looks down at me. He was breathing heavily as if he just run a mile.

"What is it, Archie?" I ask and he makes the first move. His lips land on mine and my eyes widen at the sudden gesture. One of his hands moves to my hip and the other to the side of my face. I pull away from the kiss and press my hand to his chest to give us some type of space.

"Anna I..." Before he could finish I pulled away completely.

"I have to go, I'll see you later Archie." I turn around and quickly walk down the hall to the exit. tears ran down my cheeks at the thought of Sweet Pea and what he would do if he found out about what Archie just did. I can't blame him because he has no idea that I have a boyfriend. I also hope I didn't give Archie the wrong idea when we had our conversation because I truly wasn't jealous of him and Valerie. I love Archie, don't get me wrong, but not in the way that he thinks.


"Mrs. Lodge, I'm gonna take out the trash."

"Okay, sweetheart. Be careful." I nod and gather up the trash. I make my way to the back and throw the trash in the bins before making my way back. I hear Mrs. Lodge scream and I run inside.

𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚗// 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙿𝚎𝚊Where stories live. Discover now