Melody and Seth Rollins

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"Is he mean?" dan asked me. I laughed a little at his distress.
"Well you'll have to see about that your self." I said turning him around to meet seth. I gave him a push and he slow started to walk over to seth

"Ummm .... hi mister.. ah seth" dan said.
My 6 year old nephew was here to visit and want to meet seth.

I smile as Seth turn around.

"Who's this kid?" He ask sternly.
I rolled my eyes, he couldn't break character really.

"Umm I just .. wanted to .. say ... um" he turn back at me and I mouth go on. " "You're a great. Wrestler my favourite" he said more confidently.

"Ya I know kid thanks. I'm everyone's favourite." he said

Dan look disappointed and almost as if he wanted to cry.

Seth then started to laugh and picked him up giving him a rocket ride.

"Danny!!! You think I'd forget my number one fan." he said.

He placed dan down and rubbed his head walking over to me.

A smile raced across his face. I smile as seth walk towards me.

"Hey honey" he said kissing my cheek.

"Wait!!! SETH ROLLINS is uncle Colby." Dan screamed.

"Uhh just Colby remember" I said

"No I think I like uncle Colby" better he said kissing me again.

"Hey do you want to meet some other superstars " seth asked.

He look at me for approval.
"Well I dunno we do have to get you back to your dad in the stadium." I said.

Dan look at me giving me puppy eyes and seth didn't make it Any easier.

"I'll even give him back to his dad for you" seth smiled.

"Fine you two win, but you both owe me-

"A kiss" seth said.
"Ewww" dan said squishing his nose.

"Okay buddy let's go find- "

"Adrian Neville"

"Oh he's on Nxt Dan" she correct him while they walk off. I giggled at those two, like peas in a pod.

From then I walk into the diva's locker room as soon as I walked in summer giggled.

The rest of the girls smiled and wave, but they looked a bit timid.

"Hey, why everyone so sulky did mark piss everyone off again" I laughed.

" Umm.. melody can we talk." Nikki said

"It best you hear this from me." she said more serious.

"Ok" I said.

Summer then sifted he weight for the bench and gave me a smirk as she left the locker room. "whats her deal. Did she fuck rosa man again." I mumbled.

"Well I'd say fucked is the right word just not rosa man." Eva laughed and Cameron join in

I rolled my eyes.

Nikki pulled me aside.
"Girl. you had to hear this from me. Summer was just flaunting around and brought up her time with seth." she said.

"Oh yeah seth told he he was helping her with some mic skills, Vince's orders.." I said calmly hoping this was a misunderstanding.

"She told every one they did more than work on mic skills." Nikki said.

"What.. hahaha . no.. seth"

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