Piper and Dean Ambrose part 4

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* I know ..I know ..
The kid looks way older than 1 but shiznibblites he look perfect and I had to the picture it make no sense but let's go with J.D Is about 4. hmm maybe to bad his three. she was off or hiding for four years even worst ...poor ambrose.. poor J.D grew up with out a daddy.. 😫*

As I walked back into work for the first time in forever butterfly's flew through my stomach knowing that I would bump into any one even him.

J.D held on to my hand even tighter.

"Mommy, you work here?" He asked.
I smiled.
"Yes I do." I said.
"Wow this is so cool." he said.
"I know." I said picking him up.
"Does this mean I get to meet Those weird gold guys and 3H.
"HAHA you're to much for a 4 year old." I laughed and starting to tickle him.
I placed him down

"let's go" I said remembering the situation.
"Piper is that you" a familiar voice said.

That quickly startled me and J.D so he hid behind me.
I turned around and Seth was standing there with J&J security.

"Seth.. hey.." I smiled nervously.
"Pip.. how are you doing it's been so long. " He said walking closer to wards me.
" yeah it's been quite a while hasn't ." I smiled
He pulled me into a hug but I didn't really respond with one back.

I felt a tug on my shirt.
"Mommy isn't he the mean blonde guy" J.D
"J.D no. uh he's just be a mean character on TV. Like me. He actually really nice" I said.

"pip ..-"

"J.D this is Seth Rollins." I said

"Well we have to go" I said grabbing J.D. hands and pulling him to the locker room.

I should've been more careful.

I wouldn't be in this mess if I wasn't such a stubborn person. I should've told dean.

We turned into the locker room.

"PIPER IS THAT J.D Paige screamed across the room.
Then all the girls had turn around.

"he's so big now." Paige said running towards him.

the diva followed Paige up to me and J.D
"Piper he too cute" Brie said.

"OMG he looks just like him" Nikki said while hugging me.
I rolled my eyes at Nikki. she acting like she has come to visit J.D and I.
"Hi twins" J.D said.
"You've gotten bigger J.D" Nattie said picking him up for a hug.

"Hi Cattie." J.D said.
We all laughed at his remark.
"What'D I say mommy" he asked confused.

"Nothing Jon." I said
"So it it does stand for Jon" Nikki yelled excitedly.
"I told you Paige" she smiled.

"Yes my name is Jon-Dean Good" J.D smiles.
"Shhh.. Jon" I smile
I watch Nikki face spark up.
"Jon dean huh." Paige said

"When are you on." Brie asked.
"You'll see." I said.

I look up at the screen and John Cena and randy Orton match was going to start

"I better get ready" I said
"Can I stay here mommy" J.D asked.

"Yeah can he" Nattie asked pinching his cheeks.
"You supposed to be with Uncle Zeb."

"They can take me" He smile and his dimples showed even more than normal.

"Please..." Paige begged and JD joined in.

"Alright" "but if you get hurt I'm out can meet 3H " I laughed.

"3H?"brie ask
"Triple H" I laughed again.

We all laughed.
"I'll see you soon Jon." I game him a kiss on his cheek.

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