Dean Ambrose and Catherine

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"I'm leaving though" I told my boss.
"Please stay, we're short staff tonight, Amanda didn't show up" he pleaded
"You are one of our best" he smiled

I looked at my watch. The restaurant should've been close a while ago, but our boss/my step brother had some close friends who he owed favour too.
So he kept the restaurant
open late tonight.

"Fine" I sighed slightly annoyed
"But you owe me cause I'm not even supposed to be here. I came in two days already and its my hoildays" I said

"I know. I know" he said waving his hand
Shewing me away to the last guests of the night.

My hair had been let down and my uniform was off. I just pinned my name tag back on, so I could look somewhat official. I walked up to the table. One if them wore a black leather jacket and a ugly button shirt that caught my attetion.

The four of them sat down laughing about something. And I had came to spoil the party.
" Hi I'm Catherine, and I'll be serving you tonight" I smiled the leather jacket guy sat up properly and slouched back down when I didn't recognize him.

Another one of them was a girl. She was cling on the guy beside her with the two tone hair.
While the other two sat on the other side Away from them
"About time" the leather jacket boy said slightly annoyed at me.

I couldn't care less what he had to say
So ignored him.
That may've made he more angry.
So I'm smiled at the one with the freakishly long dark hair. It suited him well.
And that made the leather jacket boy jealous.
"Are you ready to order?"

"Yes, I'd like the cheese ravioli with spicy tomato sauce" the girl answered
I smiled at her while writing it down

"Anyone else?"

"Uhh.. the half back baby bone ribs." the long hair guy answered
" would you like fries, beans or baked potato with that" I asked


"Alrighty" I said

"I think I'll get the double cheese meatball sandwich with the side salad"
The two tone guy answered.

"Caesar ?"
"Yeah .. Sure".

I watched as the last guy recklessly turned the menus page searching for something.

"And are you ready to order . uh sir" I nearly gagged over the word sir
I hate it. it always sound weird when I say it

"Does it look like I'm ready!" He answered back
"Stop being such a dick dean, just order something... Um I'm sure um Catherine is it," I nodded

"Can tell you what good or not" the girl said

I smiled at her
"Whatever Paige" he said

He then turned to my and scroll his eye up and down
Checking me out
He was getting on my nervs

"I'll take whatever you'd recommend
Cathy" he smirked slightly

It was kinda cute , if you into to the whole jerk routine.

"Sure thing, would you like a soup Or a burger?" I asked

"Surprise me doll" he said shewing me away.

What an asshole. that was the last time I was serving anyone Georgie's (boss) friends.

I had gave in the orders and had a special surprise for the rude one. he had it coming

"Georgie I hate your friends." I stated
"There so lucky I'm feeling nice today"

"Oh I think you've met Dean then" he says
"He kind of um unique"

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