Nina & Justin Gabriel

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One of my first wwe one shots for @nerdiest_tomboy

hope you enjoy it.

《 "I don't know what it is Nattie,but he's just... I don't it is I .. ha.. I think I like him." I said

"Wow your crushing hard" nattie giggled back at me.

"So Justin Gabriel?" she questioned

"yeahhhhh..shush .. he's coming this way" I said whacking her in the stomach so she would shut up.

"oww what was that fo- ohhh. She had a sly look on her face.


"Hey Justin" she smiled as she motioned him over

"oh hi" he said quite nervous.

"what's up ?" she asked

Nattie ugh I wanted to punch her I completely blanked out. He was in his wrestling attire. I got distracted almost memersized actually. He just looked so...

"Niiinnnnaaa, Nina" a voice knocked me back to reality. 

Yeah I blinked looked away from Justin to nattie.

"Well anyway I'll see you Nina, Justin I have to get ready for my match on raw in a hour." she said waving and then winking at me.

she completely left me alone.

"so uh how's nexus working out for yeah.  I said trying to make conversation.

He smiled.

"Actually, it hasn't been very good so far."

he said

"really why?"

"well personally i want to start my own matches and get on the main roster."

"I think that's great"I said. I wanted to sound supportive. I mean that's I good thing he can't be in the nexus forever.  "I'm glad someone other than me thinks so" he sigh.

"Justin what do you mean?"

he looked at me with a sad face. It made me feel heartbroken. I hated seeing him sad it wasn't a natural position of his. He is normally the happy one. With the exception when he's on live television.

" I went to ask talent relations and the interview went well" he said.

i shrudded "what the problems then?"

" well I ... don't know if I should tell you this. I don't want you  to get hurt because of me. you kinda of special to me".

I looked in his eyes and smiled.

"try me" I said. Giving him the puppy dog eyes.

he laughed. Which was sign of hope. He was still the Gabriel I fell for.

" ok, but come with me. It may not be safe here".

He said I followed closely behind him into this small room.

" the nexus are after me" he blurted

out. "what" I sort of laughed

He looked annoyed

"it's just a storylines right?"I said change his face.

"well yes, but because I told them that I wanted to move on things have been strange. I've been followed too. I don't wade has been off lately because of cena. and the fact that alot of us want to move on. but I was the only one who did something about it."

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