Older!Yinu x Reader

Start from the beginning

'I, yes this is (Y/N)....Who is this?'

'It's me! Yinu! From after your performance?'

'My goodness there's no need to explain yourself XD'

'yeah hehe, Tatiana gave me your number so we could stay in contact, but anyway, sorry for randomly scaring you! Goodnight!'

'Its fine, goodnight Yinu!'

My face bore a smile when I was done with the small conversation with Yinu, saving her contact into my phone as 'The Golden Maestro Herself <3' before I slipped my phone back into my pocket and resuming my walk home.

Inputing the code to my garage, the door opened slowly, the mechanics clicked and clacked till it stopped wide open, I walked into the garage and 'parked' my xylophone into the far left corner, then I closed the garage door from the inside. I walked into my house and head up to my bedroom so I could rest for the next day.

My eyes peaked open, the rays of dawn kissing my skin and begged me to wake up, I rubbed my eyes, pushing my face into the pillow, wanting an ounce more of sleep. Unfortunately, my brain was not having it, and didn't allow me to fall asleep, cursing mentally at it as I sat up in my bed.

I got out of bed, getting myself dressed for the day just in case Tatiana or anyone else has something planned for me, coincidentally I heard my phone buzz against my nightstand. Picking it up I see a text message from Tatiana,

'(Y/N) are you there?'

'Yes I'm here.'

'I have an offer to make for you.'

'I'm all ears boss.'

'Would you like to collaborate with Yinu?'

'Yes I would love to!'

'Alright, I'll inform Yinu that you agreed to the offer.'

'Wait did she make the offer?'

'Yes, she did. Now I must get back to business so if you'll excuse me.'

Yinu wants to collaborate with me? That, what, why? My head was flooded with questions and possible answers to them.   Why would she want to collaborate with me? A brand new NSR artist for that matter! I shake my head, no, this is not a time where I should be self-conscious!

I am an NSR artist, I am practically an adult now! I army march down the stairs only to burst out laughing half way down at how silly I was being, dying down when I made it to the bottom. Getting my bag and shoes on, I head out the door to the local cafe in Festival Plaza, just to grab a small breakfast before I meet up with Yinu in Natura.

It didn't take me long to get to the cafe, walking in and going up to the counter,

"Hello miss what do you want to get?" The cashier said,

I pondered what I wanted to get, looking down at the menu displayed on the counter, making my decision I point at the item I want,

"Is that all you want miss?" They asked once more, writing my order down into a small notepad, I nod my head, grabbing the amount of change needed to pay for my meal.

Once that was all and done I find a seat near the window and wait for my breakfast to come. I look out the window,  the streets bustled with people going left and right, a small select few coming to the cafe, signaled so by the small bell that gets hit by the door. The clouds looked puffy and soft, like cotton candy, scattered in the sky like the stars that appear in the night.

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