The Humilau City Gym

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After our battle, Drayden tells me to meet him outside the gym. Once I'm outside, he has me follow him to his house where he tells me about what happened two years ago, when the Black dragon Pokemon, Zekrom, and the White Dragon Pokemon, Reshiram were awakened.

The two dragons were once a single Pokemon that split in two when the twin heroes it followed went on separate paths. The dragon split into Zekrom and Reshiram, and each followed one of the heroes who battled to see who was right. However, there is a third dragon pokemon named Kyurem who also came to be in that era.

He then talks about the DNA Splicers things that he has are linked to Kyurem. He continues to talk about the thing when a loud boom interrupts him. We rush outside and see my pirate ship flying through the sky! 

 It's been forever since I saw it last!  I'm so happy to be getting it back and- OH MY GOD IT FROZE THE ENTIRE CITY!

Zinzolin then walks up and says that we'll never be able to melt the ice as long as Team Plasma has their secret weapon! He then demands Drayden hands over the DNA Splicers.  Drayden calls them stupid before battling them.

I them join in and once Grandmame just destroyed the grunts around the city, we head towards the gym and fight Zinzolin. Coil and Pwop are able to take out his team without much trouble. 

Drayden the heals my pokemon and gives me the DNA Splicers before the Shadow Triad appears and then runs away, leaving me to chase after them.  Great more work for me to do.

I find one of the Shadow Triad members and Pwop single handedly takes their dark type team out. Drayden meets up with me and I get a call from Hugh and Cheren who join me in fighting Team Plasma.

I ride my bike through the Marine Tube and arrive in Humilau City where Hugh is waiting for me. He tells me to beat the gym before I battle Team Plasma which doesn't make much sense to me but okay. I go to the gym but the Gym Leader isn't there so I go look for him.

As I'm riding my bike through the town, he just freaking jumps out of the ocean and onto the docks. He introduces himself as Marlon and uh...yeah I'm in love. He then heads the gym and I follow. I get my Fresh Water from the entrance, and the gym battle begins now.

He starts with Carracosta and I start with Pwop who just Giga Drains the life out it. Next is his Wailord and I send out Coil to combat it. After two Electro Balls, Marlon's big boy whale goes down. His final pokemon is Jellicent and I send Pwop back into the fight and after two Giga Drains, Jellicent disables Pwop's only grass type move making me resort to Coil. I missed what happened because I zoned out but Jellicent managed to burn Coil and gave me a run for my money with Brine and Scald. However, before Coil lost it's life, I swapped in Tarst who takes out the Jellicent with an Aqua Tail.

And with that close call, Marlon hands me the Wave Badge. With our final badge, I can say that this journey is coming to a close.

Well, I would say that if we didn't have more to do before the Elite Four and we are not ending this chapter until Team Plasma is taken care of.

I leave the gym and regroup with Hugh when Marlon joins us before leaving again.

I head to Route 22 to search for Team Plasma and to train when I catch a naive Piloswine that is capable of taking hits.

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