Chapter 6. One person two wolves

Start from the beginning

They all quieted down stunned, before small murmurs erupted at various places. They knew their king was powerful, but they never knew just how powerful he truly was. So the revelation made their heart fill with deep admiration.

"Alright settle down and let's continue.

The second thing the Seer will show is your wolf, and it will do so without you needing to actually shift. It can also compare it with other wolves and even let me know if your wolf has other talents, other than the normal ones that each wolf has.

What I mean is it will show just how fast the wolf can regenerate, how strong it is and how big it is. As for the special abilities, it will show if your wolf has affinities with the elements of earth, wind, water and fire.

The third thing the Seer can show, is whatever health problems you have. This is the ability pack doctors mostly use for medical care and diagnosis. But, as I am not checking your health, I will only be focusing on the first 2 things I explained.

Now gentlemen ... and lady, in alphabetical order please step one by one as you are called in the conference room, where you will be analyzed.

Another two things I should mention are, first do not worry as the room is under a spell so no information will leak out.

Second, I am sure you have been explained by your guide when you first arrived, I am under a curse and cannot divulge anything I find out from your analysis.

The only thing that will be displayed to the public will be the fact that you are accepted or rejected.

To be accepted, you have to be at least rank 4 or 5. Of course, ideal for us is rank 3, but we will at least let you pass to the further tests, if you have these ranks."

The tests were carried out for about one hour, until it was finally Celia's turn. Jake had already been tested, and he did not mind sharing his rank with her, as he was a 3rd rank werewolf. In fact, he might have actually wanted to boast about it in front of her.

Hearing her name called, and then stepping in front of the door of the conference room where the teacher was testing, Celia sighed heavily as she put her hand on the door knob trembling, and slowly pushed it to open the door. The room was quite big and well lit, even if there were massive dark colored drapes covering the windows to ensure more privacy.

She nervously approached the teacher, and timidly sat in front of his desk where the orb was placed. For now the Seer was a dark almost black color.

"Well then Miss Celia Blair, please place your hand on top of the orb and release your aura just like you do when you go to your pack's doctor." Gabriel explained politely.

"Ummm... I am sorry teacher, I have never been tested before. Can you explain further?" She asked with a small voice.

"Alright. Think about your wolf, but not like when you want to shift and you push your wolf to the front side of your mind, and your human consciousness takes the back seat, going to the place where your wolf usually is. In other words, you do not need to switch places with one another for the test.

Try to visualize your mind like it is a wide room, with your wolf occupying one half, and you the other. What both of you must do, is step towards each other and meet at the center of this room... you are meeting half way. Do you understand, or should I explain a bit more?" Gabriel detailed further, with the same previous politeness. It was his job to help the students with the test, moreover with a girl he felt he should act a bit more gentlemanly. If only, to cover for his previous gaffe.

"I understand, thank you. I will try... But can I ask you two more things first? I am sorry for keeping your time." Celia said apologetically. There were more students that would get tested after her, so she felt sorry for keeping the teacher's time a bit longer because of her questions.

"Yes of course. Please ask!" He smiled gently, reassuring her.

"First thing is, I understand you have to tell the Council and his highness the rank of the wolves you test. Does it mean you will say it in any situation, or only if they ask?"

"Usually, only if they ask. The Council does not have the time to check all the information I see. They only get the list with the accepted werewolves, and his highness has even less time to check such things. And the second question?" He didn't understand her point in the question she asked, but still replied seriously. 

"The second is... how do you meet halfway, when there are three of you?" She asked slowly, almost whispering.

Gabriel looked puzzled at her, with his eyebrows frowned in confusion.

To see him like this made Celia a little wary. Since she saw him in the morning, he only laughed and joked, it was the first time she saw his serious side.

"What do you mean three? There is only two of you, one wolf one person. One plus one equals two." Gabriel stated, not understanding where she was going with her question.

"What I mean is, how can I meet halfway with one person and two wolves? One plus two equals three." Celia explained further, making Gabriel even more confused.

"Two wolves? There cannot be a person and two wolves."

He stood silent for a moment, trying to see if she was joking, but Celia's beautiful face did not sketch the minimum of emotions.

"Alright. Try to get one of your wolves to come forward, and meet halfway, while placing your hand on the Seer. We will test again with the other wolf after." He directed her simply. One wolf or two wolves... if it was a lie or the truth he would check it anyway for himself in a moment. And if she was saying the truth, he could get explanations afterwards.

She did as told, getting Crescent to meet with her half way. A black aura surrounded her hand where the orb was touched and, as he looked at the glowing crystal, he saw her rank.

It was the 4th rank. Not a bad rank at all, considering most girls went only to the 5th rank. The Luna ranked werewolves were fifth rank or, for weaker packs, they were even 6th rank. But her rank, even if it was better than a Luna's, did not mean was good enough for the watcher position.

They allowed the 4th rank werewolves to continue being tested because the candidates could make further improvements, but to raise your rank was very difficult, if not nearly impossible. And this time, there were also more candidates than usual. If they found at least 10 candidates with the 3rd rank, then those with 4th rank and more would be eliminated by default.

Gabriel also checked her wolf's appearance, as in the orb a grey wolf with tinges of black appeared. She was as big as a usual alpha, but what surprised him more were the different lights surrounding it. The light that would surround a wolf only appeared around the wolves with talents for the elements. Red light was fire, grey light was wind, blue light was water and brown light was earth.

She was surrounded by red and blue light, fire and water. Complete opposite powers.

Usually, wolves with contradicting talents could be used to overpower one another, they were each other's weaknesses. But what weakness would a wolf with both elements hold?

"Alright, I saw it. Your wolf is 4th rank with talent for fire and water. Now take your hand off, and place it again while thinking about the other wolf." Gabriel said, as he wrote his findings on a piece of paper, but not in her official document.

He thought there was no other wolf. Perhaps, she felt like there were two wolves because of the 2 different kind of elements. But their king put emphasis on respect, and this meant they allowed everyone to get tested, even if the person seemed no stronger than an omega, so they would give everyone the benefit of doubt.

She did as he instructed, and thought about Waning. This time, a pure white light surrounded her hand. Seeing the change in color that would also be impossible for a werewolf, Gabriel frowned paying more attention to the orb. Then as the Seer displayed the various information, he quickly checked her rank, already stunned by the changed appearance of the wolf reflected.

He looked again and again, and did not know what to be more confused about. Should he be worried that her wolf was another, as the rank displayed indeed changed, or should he be worried about the fact that the first rank, the rank of the king, could no longer be named "one man rank."

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