Great War

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This is year 3002.

Human beings have pretty much evolved too much. So much technology making them very mobile. They have fought the great war against the aliens, and won. They found a way to cure 99% of all the diseases. They have genetic engineered 'pets' which can heal wounds, fix machines, build houses, etc. Every human live in a world they don't have to work physically. All they have to do is socialize and help AI programs to finish the jobs.

This is a world there is no suffering, at least in their version. Human being since from the day one is given an operation that would plant a computer device in his brain. This device makes the baby immune to all the diseases known to mankind.

This makes everybody perfect ideal human beings. Everyone is kind to each other. There is no pain, no depression, no mental illness. But at the same time, because everything in life is good, no one has empathy on others when bad things happen.

There is very less crime rate, and suicide is no longer a crime. There is no prison at all.

For every crime, there is only 2 punishments, one is death sentence and the other is to volunteer, that is, to be used as guinea pigs for science experiences. Yeah, it is perfectly legal.

The ratio of murder to suicide is 1 by 90.

Since the device inside their brain can be used to heal wounds, to kill one self, all it takes is to press a button, and see no one is going to miss them anyways. Everyone is happy in this life.

But of course, there has to be some pain or else there is no balance, well, this is where we come in, or at least, 'humans' have been made to believe this way. They call us Morlocks, wild, disfigured people who feed on humans, and we actually do, but at the same time, human histoy is full of lies.

Talking about history, lets start with the great war against the aliens, as they call. But they don't come with UFO and laser beams, rather they comes in the form of viruses. They are transmitted from physical fluid like blood, sweat, causing death ranging from 20 minutes to 2 months.

What is special about the virus is that once transmitted, the virus makes the person want to infect other people. The virus was very hard to detect, and since its goal is to infect as many people as possible, there were no sign that a person have infected. It took more than 300 years to develop the cure. More than 80 percent of the population has already wiped out in just 1 year, and after the cure, only 1 million has survived.

When it was impossible to treat the virus, rich people grouped together and stay in a large place called the Great Church, where they develop the cure, meanwhile the rest of the world is left to die.

But of course, some people did survive, suffer in pain their whole life. The virus leaves them disfigured, and when they have children, that thing follows too.

And that is how we come, the Morlocks.

The virus makes us disfigured but our body gets stronger from generation to generation. After 500 years, we look very different from human beings, what we call the Eloi now, we are pretty much beasts to them. Some of us gets more and more violent, the hatered of the Eloi grows larger, and attacks happen.

The morlocks are depicted as vile cruel monsters, that kill, rape, and even cannibalize, while the Eloi are kind, happy, adorable people.

The Eloi are pretty much above the morlocks, they simply have more advanced technology than us, and if they want to wipe out all of the morlocks, they can but they won't, not because of their kindness, but because of our evolution. Somehow we have been very interesting to them. We were still live rats, as it was in 500 years ago.

There was a part in their history they lie. It was that the aliens never attacked this world, we never won the war because it wasn't a war in the first place. It was back then, when the scientists discovered life on the other planet.

They were almost certain that the aliens exists. That virus which they discover,it was the perfect ultimate weapon. Somehow scientists are convinced that the aliens are attacking us soon and bring those viruses with them, it was certain that the entire human race will wipe out, unless they can develop the cure.

Developing the cure, they needed a live subject who can resist the virus, whose body develop a natural anti-virus, but it will be 1 in 5 million.

Either they want to wipe out 99% of the population, or like to study the effect of the virus so they can plan ahead when the time comes, they decided to spread it.

They form a group called the Eloi, and it includes the elites, all best doctors, scientists, all people who are ideal for the next generation of human beings.

The Eloi were conviced that human race was the most important, and that they have to protect it, even if they have to kill all those have-not who are vital for the cure.

And it worked.
Billion of population infected in weeks, there was no cure, and no one is interested in helping. The government abandoned us, the doctors abandoned us. No one manages to control the virus. 8 billion people have no help at all.

At the result, 5 months later, there was no city or village inthe map that has not been infected, except the Great Church. The human suffering was endless. People become aware of their fates. Knowing that you are going to die, nothing matters.

Some people commits ultimate violence to limitless. There were riots, murders, rape everywhere. Some people try to end their own life because they cannot take the suffering.

If you can imagine the end of the world, that was it.

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