"ohh paul your finally up. ive been waiting to talk to you." Carlisle said gestureing me to sit down and bella's leech stayed, even though the look i was giving him clearly said i did not appreciate being within a 5 mile radius of him exspecially.

"show some respect dog, im the one who saved your mate, and trust me it wasnt for you." edward murmured to me knowing i would hear, and carlisle put a hand infront of his chest while i jumped out of my seat and got in his face.

"Shut it leech, i still wouldnt put it past me to rip your head off." i sneered and sam got up and pushed me back. " Calm down paul, there helping your mate, keep that in mind." sam whispered to me and i calmed enough to sit down but not without throwing one last glare at the leeches direction.

"ok if were all calm now, i thought you would like to hear about how tori is doing." dr. cullen said and that immediatly got my undivided attention. i was clutching the chairs arm and nearly snapped it, which carlisle probaly noticed because he went on.

"Tori lost a excessive amount of blood, and her whole right side was shatterd like i assumed. we stitched up her abdomanin and gave her a blood transfussion and her body didnt regect it which is good, her bones are enlined and as long she doesnt move they will heal fine within 5 days or so, shes going to be fine she may be unconcious for a day or two maybe longer ." carlisle said and i nodded, everyone grew quiet and had grave faces. i just couldnt be happier she is just alive.

"why did that blood sucker have a knife anyways ! " i said putting a little force into my words and edward stepped up.

"Victoria had certain jobs for her army, it was orginized and planned out. she knew i was going to be with bella but didnt think we would be working with wolves, ryley was supposed to be just a distraction. her plan was to take me down and then she was going to take care of bella, which i assume the knife would be used.... " he said his face twisting in pain at the end. Edward looked over at sam, and shook his head.

"He should know! dont hide it they all should of known exspecially jake, her own blood !" sam said demanding and edward looked down and nodded, everyone tensed. im guessing this was something they have not heard yet. billy wheeled himself closer in intisipation. My heart went out to the old man, his daughter he just got back was hurt and almost killed in days.

"Alice, can you come and explain it." edward said and the little pixie like vamp came and stood in his place.

"before the battle, i had a vision. i believe it was before your prom, i tried to contact tori about it but i got no awnser so i had to hold off telling her until the night before the battle. i didnt want to tell her but i had to.-" i cut her off to on edge to care about manors

"please just tell me, get to the point!" i said and she flinched but went on, it was now dead silent but alices words.

"I had a vision. it had 3 outcomes. the first was that tori was going to sacrifice herself to save you and jake, she would die in the end, when i told her, she became frantic she wanted to know a way to survive she begged me to tell her the other outcomes even though i knew she wouldnt like them as much as the other, the second... was that she would hesitate and you would sacrifice yourself to save tori. and you would die, immediatly. " she said and my heart stopped. tori sacrificed herself knowing she would die, for me. even though dieing scared the crap out of her she did it.

"the third. was that tori would run away with you, leave to avoid the fight and the possible outcomes. i didnt see what happened in the battle but i got brief images, you and tori came back to la push happy and safe, but then it switched, to..to infront of a grave, jakes grave, everyone was dressed in black and i assume it was his funeral. I knew before she left that night that she made her descision, something in her changed in that second, i knew even before i told her what she was going to pick, becasue i know tori." alice said stopping because there was several gasps when it sunk in, billy put his head in his hands, the pack put there heads down, in respect and guilt, jakes mouth nearly touched the ground and well me i was not surprised, i know how tori is and she is not a selfish person, and she always puts everyone before herself. which is something i love about her, and i knew if i was in her place, i wouldve done the same.


I felt like i was under water, i couldnt hear anything or feel anything just like i was drowning but yet breathing and still alive...i think ?
" How is she doing ?" i heard through the murky fog. it was faint and the voice was fermillular. i knew it very well but i couldnt pin a face to it just yet, i honestly didnt care though anything was better than the darkness.

"the same. they dont know when she'll..... - maybe.... i hope." i heard bits and pieces but it was like a phone with bad reception, but worse ! ugh it was starting to really aggrivate me. This voice i knew way to well, hell i would know it anywere even if i was dead... which i might be ? i have no idea i dont think death would feel like this, and if it really does... well damn death sucks !

" Tori.." i heard and thats when i deffently knew the voice. i desperatly tried to speak but my mouth wouldnt move. I tried to move anything but again no results.
The frustration was getting higher and progress was none existant which made me want to scream.. you know if i could.
I started to get more and more frustrated by the second, unsuccessfully trying to get control back of my body and get a better grip of my senses to get a feel of my surroundings.

" why hasnt....... i dont understand." the same firmiluar voice said and this time and in my head i pieced together and got a image of pauls face, even though it was painfully hard to even imagine let alone say anything.
i felt in the darkness shocks go up my hand all the way to my soul, and in the darkness a voice i never heard before spoke.

It was kind of scary because it was so clear, unlike the half ass ones i been hearing. i tried to open my eyes but then i relized it wasnt something, or someone in the room, but it was in my head. I think i should be worried for my mental health, maybe i hit my head really hard which is causing me to hear voices. Oh god i really am crazy i should of listened to my theripists !

"Your not crazy, dumbass. im your wolf spirit." The voice said again with a hint of sarcasm and in the mirky darkness a wolfs face, my wolf flashed in my sight, slightly scaring the crap out of me sightly but also calmed me down knowing im not crazy.

"Oh ugh, hey wolf spirit." i said and i swear she rolled her eyes. Creepy , even my wolf has a attitude.

"Oh so you can form complete thoughts ?" my wolf said disapprovingly but the sarcasm was still evident, The question took me off guard completly, what did she mean?

"You know what i meant. Your still in this coma not because you cant wake up, it because you dont want to."

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Heyy guys! im soryyy i feel like the biggest liar in the world because i said i would update when i got to 10,000 reads n ive been slacking ! so im sorry i stopped it there i wanted to gve you something and im gonna start the next chapter right away ! but since im me i want atleast 10 comments and 10 votes !!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh im evilllllll !!!!!!!!!!!! :0000

Anger Management. (A Paul Lahote Love Story) *in process of editing*Where stories live. Discover now